

Monday Maths.pdf

White Rose website

Order Groups of objects

Watch the video and follow. Remind the children what more than or less than mean. Try and get them to speak in full sentences when talking about more than or less than. Follow the slides and record the answers in your Maths exercise books.

Read Write INC

Mr Lisle's group

Speed Sounds

Speed sounds - Mr Lisle.MOV

Day 1

Day 1 RWI Mr Lisle.pdf

Green words

Mr Lisle green words 1.MOV

Miss Eiles' group

Speed sounds

Speed sounds - Miss Eiles.MOV

Day 1

A bad fox Day 1.pdf

Green words

Green words - Miss Eiles.MOV

Mrs Longstaff's group

Speed sounds

Speed sounds - Miss Eiles.MOV

Day 1

My dog Ned Day 1.pdf

Green words

Green words - Miss Eiles.MOV


In your purple books make a list of adjectives to describe the sneak thieves. Are they mean and nasty? Are they kind and helpful? Are they bad and angry?

Once you have made your list, write 3 sentences to describe the sneak thieves. For example - The sneak thieves are mean and nasty. They are grumpy and angry.


Complete todays Joe Wicks workout, see if you can persuade somebody else in the house to join in with you.

Doodle Maths

Log onto your Doodle Maths account and complete any extras that have been set or your 5-a-day challenges. Who can collect enough stars to make it into the green zone.

Story Time

FStanley chapter 1&2.MOV


week 7 HF words.pdf

Practise your spellings every day ready for your test on Friday.