
Purple Mash

Log onto Purple Mash and complete the set tasks.

Read Write INC

Mr Lisle's group

Speed Sounds

Mr Lisle speed sounds .MOV

Day 4

Day 4 RWI Mr Lisle.pdf

Green words

Green words 4.MOV

Miss Eiles' group

Speed sounds

Speed sounds - Miss Eiles.MOV

Day 4

A bad fox day 4.pdf

Green words

Green words - Miss Eiles.MOV

Mrs Longstaff's group

Speed sounds

Speed sounds - Miss Eiles.MOV

Day 4

My dog Ned Day 4.pdf

Green words

Green words - Miss Eiles.MOV


Choose a book from your own collection. Why did you choose this book? What do you like about this story?


Log onto purple mash and type tobeat into the search bar. Ask your child to create their own beat using different instruments can they play it back and edit it as they go.


After sketching images of famous land marks around the world. Can you try and build this landmark be as inventive as you wish junk modelling, Lego or anything else you have around the house.

Word cards


Story Time

Chapter 1.MOV