Classroom Policies

These are brief descriptions of the policies for 6th Grade Math and Pre-Algebra.  Full descriptions are in the syllabus that will be handed out on the first day of school.


If an absences is not excused students will not be allowed to make up work missed, which will result in an automatic 0 for the assignment, including test and quiz grades.


A student will receive his or her make-up work the day they return to school and have the same number of school days they were absent from school to complete and turn in all work missed. However, all make-up work will not be graded until the absences is verified as being excused via the front office. Students can take make-up tests and quizzes either during their regular math class period or during lunch office hours on Mondays.

Late Work

A student may turn in an in-class assignment or project late with a 10%-point deduction for each day the assignment is late. Homework will not be accepted late.

Electronic Devices

In an effort to support student safety, New West students are allowed to bring their cell phones to school. However, cell phones (including Apple Watches) must be powered off and cannot be visible on campus during the school day.

Food and Drink Policy

Students are permitted to have water in class, provided it is kept in a sealed container, and they act responsibly with it. 

The only time a student is permitted to eat in the classroom is with teacher permission due to extenuating circumstances, when a doctor’s note is provided, or during lunch office hours.