Frequently Asked Questions in 

Gifted Education

What is the role of the federal government?

The federal government does not provide guidance or have requirements for gifted education. 

What is the role of the state government?

Gifted children are addressed in Connecticut General Statutes 10-76a. The state requires the identification of gifted children, but does not mandate services. The state recognizes Intellectually, Academically, and Creatively gifted children. 

Please follow the link below to learn more about the Gifted and Talented Education Guidance published by the CSDE.

Gifted and Talented Education Guidance

What is the role of the local school district?

Local school districts are required to identify gifted and talented students. The process of identification is decided upon by local school district personnel. The type and level of service for those identified students is at the discretion of the district. 

What is available to parents to help them learn more about their children's educational needs? 

Parents are an integral part of gifted education.  Parent input is solicited for the identification process, parent conferences are held upon request, and parents are encouraged to share their views.  The gifted education staff offers parent informational meetings, and recommends the book  How To Parent So Children Will Learn by Sylvia Rimm.  All programs are designed for parents of identified gifted children, but will also be open to parents who feel that may benefit from the content.  

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