Happy Earth Week

From the Peirce Community

Pansies by Yuki (colored by the petals of real flowers!)

Rainy Day Exporation by Marian

Cookies by Caroline & Emily

Cake by Ms. Smillie

Pancake by Sachin

Earth Message from Marco (and friend)

Yarned Sticks by Hugo & Livia

A Day at the Beach (Eloise)

A Family Earth (Eloise)

A Beautiful Garden (Eloise)

Earth Craft from Constantine

(3D printed with compostable plastic)

Image used to create the template for Constantine's 3D printing project

Chalk Message by Felix

Moss Heart by Ryan

Chalk Message by Gideon

Earth Love by Ms. Bissanti

Earth Day Art shared by Ms. Donahue

Happy Earth Day by Mrs. Smillie & Katharine

Poem by Leela

Save the Earth! by Linnea

Earth Art by Ella

The Earth by Sandhya

Yarn Globe by Kevin

What day is it?

It's Earth Day!

by Amelia

Earth Day Painting by Chloe

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