Advisor Resources

Faculty and Staff Advisor Overview 

A more comprehensive Breakdown can be found on the 'Advisor Guide' section of our RSO Policy!

Advisors and organization leadership should discuss openly the type of role the advisor should play within the organization. Some organizations have a pool of advisors to assist them with different aspects of the organization (financial, scholarship, programming, etc.). Some advisors have a high level of involvement with every aspect of the organization; others have a very limited role. It is up to the organization and the advisor to set the parameters of involvement.


Advisor Registration Form - All advisors must submit this as part of their org's registration requirements. 

Event Incident Report Form - Use this to report event incidents to the university. 

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As an advisor for a student organiztion you will be able to review specific event submissions from the organizations your advise prior to their approval from the SLI office.. You will receive an e-mail notification that you have an event to review.

Navigating to Events for Your Review

To access all of the events that need your review, navigate to the Manage view using the Switchboard icon

Scroll to the "Pending Submissions" section, which displays any event, budget, or form submissions that need your review. Click the name of the event submission to review it.  

You can also click "View All" to see a complete list of your event requests. On this page, you may see additional filtering options depending on your role in the community and your relationship to current event submissions. If you are only assigned as a reviewer for submissions, you will not see the "Showing" filter and will by default see all events that they have been assigned to as a reviewer. However, if you also hold Events View or Events Full access at the community level, you may see the ability to filter between all submissions, those requiring your review and those requiring your approval.

Reviewing Event Submissions

Once on the event submission page, you can review the details of the submission by scrolling down on the page. If multiple submissions exist for the event, you can also switch back and forth between various versions of the submission history. Make sure you are reviewing the correct version!

After reviewing every page, you can add a comment in the discussion if you would like to share feedback. These comments will be seen by the campus administrator, the submitter and all reviewers/approvers of the event.

Voting Reviewers

If you are a "Voting Reviewer," you have been given the ability to give your recommendation as to whether the event should be approved or denied by clicking the Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down icon in the "Your Review" box. Note that if you are reviewing a newer submission of an event that has been resubmitted, your vote will be reset and you will need to recast your vote.

Narwhal Nation: How to Approve an Event