June 22-26
Place Value
Listen to the place value song
count the tens and ones
Write the total next the word Number
Write the expanded form. 70 + 6 = 76
Double digit addition
Use what you know about tens and ones to add two digit numbers.
Measuring Objects with Cubes
Count the cubes to find out how long each object is.
June 15-19
Measuring with cubes
Listen to the video
Draw a picture of something that will be the same size as ten cubes. Use the picture of ten cubes to help you.
June 8- June 12
Measurement: Ordering Objects by their Length
Listen to the video
Cut the pictures and order them from smallest to biggest.
Longer or Shorter
Listen to the Longer or Shorter video with the monkeys.
Find 3 items you want to compare at home.
Put them in order from smallest to biggest.
Write down how you ordered them.
June 1- June 5
Read our money poems to help remind you of how much each cent is worth.
Complete the money page.
Money Match Up
Combine the coins in the box
Draw a line to the box that matches the coin amount
May 26- May 29
Watch the video
Print or write how much each set up coins adds up to.
1. Watch the video.
2. Add the coins together and write how much money is in each box.
May 18-22
Story Problems with Missing Addends
Listen to video below
Print or answer on a separate piece of paper the story problems provided.
Jonah what a great idea to use counters to help you figure out the missing addend.
Story Problems with Missing Addends
Listen to video below
Print or answer on a separate piece of paper the story problems provided.
Using a number line could help.
May 11- May 15
Story Problems with Missing Addends
Listen to the video
Find the missing addend with the problems below.
Story Problems
Print the page.
Cut out the answers on lightening bolts out and glue them under the cloud they belong to.
May 4- May 8
May the 4th Be With You Subtraction Story Problems
Look at the story problem below.
There were 20 fightors. I took 7 of them away . Now I will count how many fightors are left flying in the air. 20 - 7 = 13
Complete the other story problems provided.
Story Problems
Listen to the video
Use the picture or piece of paper and draw a picture and write an equation to solve the word problem.
Telling Time to the Half Hour
Listen to the video
Print out the picture below and cut out the photo picture with the digital times 7:30
Match the photo pictures on top of the analogical clock to complete the picture
April 20-25

Tell time to the hour with Ms. Kessler
April 13-17

Fun with Fractions
Listen to the fun fraction story I have read for you. Then complete the fraction worksheets below. If you can not print them, then draw some fractions.

Halves & Fourths
Watch Ms. Kessler's video and create your own fractions.
March 30-April 3
Play the game The Penny Jar and add the pennies. Sing our song, penny, penny easily spent, copper, brown and worth 1 cent.
3D Shapes
Find 3D objects around your home and outside. Write down what you have found.