Worn and Unworn

Poem - by Andrew L. Roberts

I am old

and this will be

my last pair of boots

I will need no others

they are good boots

their soles may yet

have some go left in them

I do not

I will remain

where I have fallen

left now to treasure

the evidence these boots bear

upon my feet

left and the right

of all the worlds

where we have walked

the tread is worn down

but not worn smooth

Martian sand

Paranthian flint

and bits of Adaman iron



in the vibram and leather

these plain metals




are jewels to me

and they are mine

when I say that I am too old now

my younger friends laugh

they try to tell me it is not so

they are kind

but they are wrong

they cannot see all the miles

behind my eyes

in my flesh

and in my bones


but I know

there will be no more

liftoffs or free-falls for me

not from here

twilight has found me

my heart can no longer take

those unforgiving g-s

and so these boots like me

will never know another world

beyond those upon which we have

already walked

and I will remain here

upon this stone

beside this dying black sea

watching the sky

as each of your new ships

perfect and swift

climb into the night

mounting the heavens

upon your own pillars of light

to chase the unknown

and to write

your own legends

that are the ceremonies of


yet unworn.

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Andrew Roberts

For the Small God, Best of NewMyths Anthology Volume I, Passages, 2018

Ikotsu, fiction, issue 46, March15, 2019.

Memri's Requiem, fiction, issue 50, March 15, 2020

Night and Apotheosis, poetry, Issue 53, December 2020

Worn and Unworn, poetry, Issue 56/57, Fall/Winter 2021

Andrew L. Roberts is a Northern California writer and poet. In addition to his book Kite Shadows and Smaller Secrets, his poems and stories have appeared in NewMyths , Bourbon, Penn, Polu Texni, Spark: A Creative Anthology, Leading Edge, and The Writers of the Future Anthology Volume 33. He has recently completed a WWI novel written entirely in verse and his current book project is a story of spirit possession, murder and revenge set in seventeenth century Japan.

Get to know Andrew..:



When did you start writing?

I started writing in 1976.

When and what and where did you first get published?

My first stories were published in my college literary magazine between 1979 and 1982. My first professional sales were in 2016.

Why do you write?

I write because I love storytelling and language and cannot imagine not writing.

Why do you write Science Fiction and/or Fantasy?

I write Fantasy and Science Fiction because they were the gateway genres that first captured my imagination and hooked me on literature and writing.

Who is your favorite author? Your favorite Story?

My favorite author is Robertson Davies. My favorite short story is "The Upturned Face" by Stephen Crane.

What are you trying to say with your fiction?

With both my fiction and my poetry I attempt to explore our humanity and the dance between life and death and what waits beyond.

Do you blog?

I am not blogging at this time.

If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say?

"Gone Fishing With Melville. Don't Wait Up."