invasive species

Poem - by Bethany F. Brengan

i want a movie

where the aliens skip new york

london san francisco land

instead in the heart

of the amazon brave little explorer

scientists with photographic fingertips

who breathe in the secret signals

of trees and immediately understand

their stories who cannot be harmed

running their sensitive

hands over iridescent beetles

poisonous dart frogs piranhas

amused at attempts to bite or sting

their only threats are separation

and the dark

they climb above the canopy

sucking in great gasps of sunlight

the main conflict will be whether

by staying they contaminate the system

they've come to love one

wants to leave and one doesn't

i don't care how the movie

resolves so long as it is

beautiful and at the end

we the audience

realize that we haven't seen a single

human but we didn't notice

because we had been busy relearning

the shadowy bits of our back garden

how a spray of pollen across

an anaconda's abdomen

makes a strange and awefull galaxy

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Bethany F. Brengan

invasive species, poem, Issue 56/57, Fall/Winter 2021

Bethany F. Brengan is a freelance writer and editor who splits her time between the Olympic Peninsula and the internet. Her poetry has appeared in Tiny Spoon, Claw & Blossom, The Gordon Square Review, The 2015 Poet’s Market, and CV2: The Canadian Journal of Poetry and Critical Writing. She can be found at and

Get to know Bethany...

When did you start writing?

I used to draw pictures and then make my mom write the words for me so that I could staple the pages together into "books." I think one story was about sea animals escaping sharks? (I had been given a set of underwater-themed rubber stamps for my birthday.)

When and what and where did you first get published?

Paducah Community College no longer exists, but I still have my copy of PCC's The Open Door, which gave freshman-Bethany her first poetry publication.

Why do you write?

Because I never grew out of the make-believe stage.

Why do you write Science Fiction and/or Fantasy?

It's not purposeful. But I read and watch a lot of fantasy, science fiction, and speculative fiction. And it keeps sneaking into my own work. You get to ask old questions about morality and humanity in new ways when you can unmoor your stories from pure reality.

Who is your favorite author?

It depends on the day you ask me, but right now, my favorite author is Mary Doria Russell. She always breaks my heart and then somehow makes me thank her for it.

If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say?

I hope it can say, "She was honest, and she was kind."

Do you blog?

I have a (possibly abandoned?) blog at, and a very alive but occasional blog at