Baba Yaga

Poem - by Donna Faulkner née Miller

Flanked by two large dogs 

I walk along a country road.

The night in pursuit, 

a hag at my heels.

Under her bleak coat tails,

the night hag morphs 

gnarled trees into sinister silhouettes.

Her wretched face of darkness 

bedeviling familiar landscapes.

I walk our regular route 

roosting birds in the bushes 

flutter nervously as we pass. 

A cackling morepork incisive.

The dogs startled by 

thunderous hooves 

of scattering sheep.

The night hag advances.

We walk on.

Loose gravel crunches underfoot 

scratching claws menacing.

Remnants of burned rubber

follow the roads curve.

Snagged in the bough

of veteran tree branches 

the rising moon yawns.

Her face no longer polished sterling.

Crooked and yellow, like an old hag's teeth.

From the treetops 

a morepork cries “Baba Yaga.”


The morepork, also called the ruru or Tasmanian spotted owl, is a small brown owl found throughout New Zealand and Tasmania.

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