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NewMyths.com Is a quarterly ezine by a community of writers, poets and artists.

Edited by Scott T. Barnes and Susan Shell Winston

Associate Editors: Candyce Byrne, Angelica Zatarain, Jennifer Winston, and Lindsey Latimer

Book reviews:  Candyce Byrne

Editor: editor@newmyths.com

Publisher: admin@newmyths.com

Scott T. Barnes, Editor & Publisher

A graduate of Odyssey, the Fantasy Writing Workshop, Scott T. Barnes' short fiction won second place in the Writers of the Future Contest, 2011. He has published short stories in over a dozen magazines and anthologies, including History and Horror, Oh My!, BuzzyMag.com, Reflection’s Edge; Niteblade; Bewildering Stories; The Lamppost Literary Journal; Trail of Indiscretion; and more. He grew up on a farm/cattle ranch in California and has worked in marketing, sales, teaching English as a foreign language in France, and commercial real estate. He holds an MBA from the Claremont Graduate School and a BA in Journalism/Spanish from CSU Fresno. He also attended La Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico and La Sorbonne University in France. He is the editor of NewMyths.com and former Director of the American Christian Fiction Writers-West. More on Scott, including a complete bibliography, can be found at www.scotttbarnes.com.

Email Scott at admin@newmyths.com.

Susan Shell Winston, Editor 

Susan Shell Winston lives in a small Texas town, just west of Houston and two stars east of the moon. Trained in Anthropology and in medieval French and English literature, she lived for four years under a Celtic hillfort in the forests of Germany where the Brothers Grimm once walked. As neighbors bought their teas and medicines in local hexestuben (witch’s huts) and carted their morning milk cans into quaint half-timbered towns, her fantasy world on the planet Colonium sprang to life around her.  Her novel, Singer of Norgondy, is available at Amazon. A companion pamphlet, CrossJacks!,  describing the cutthroat betting game her characters play, is also available. A member of the first Odyssey Workshop and chosen by her class to lead its first TNEO workshop for returning grads, Susan is now busy preparing her other novels in the Colonium series for publication, and, oh yes, collecting and reproducing medieval and Renaissance puppet plays.  For more about her fantasy world, visit www.holdenstone.com. 

Email Susan at editor@newmyths.com

Candyce Byrne, Associate Editor, Book Review Editor 

Candyce Byrne studied music, English and journalism and is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and Clarion West.  After years as a broadcast journalist and anchor, she decamped to medical writing and editing.  When that paled, she took up running a theatre and writing plays as well as fantasy and poetry and doing public relations for nonprofits.  She has published in Asimov’s and NewMyths. 

Angelica Zatarain, Associate Editor / Graphic Designer 

Angelica's passion is storytelling. Over the years, she has honed several skills that help her tell better stories, including screenwriting, editing, songwriting, and singing. For close to a decade, she worked as the Marketing Director for a well-known luxury real estate brokerage in West Hollywood. When she tired of that kind of life, she moved cross-country to Mobile, Alabama to write and produce movies with her husband. Much to her surprise, less than a year after that move, she ended up signing a record deal as a singer-songwriter, and so she now embarks on a rather unexpected creative adventure. In her spare time, she enjoys a cup of tea and a good book, taking her dogs on a walk, harassing her cats with kisses, and watching documentaries about Ancient Egypt.

Jennifer Winston, Associate Editor 

Jennifer Winston attended Odyssey Writing Workshop in 2002, and she has been reading stories sent in to Newmyths for the past few years.

She has lived in Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and Germany, but has spent most of her time inside her own mind.  She was lucky enough to have parents who enjoyed science fiction and fantasy, and who were willing to indulge her book-a-day reading addiction in high school. Her hobbies include reading, writing, and watching her made-up words creep into the daily lexicon of friends and family.

Lindsey Latimer, Associate Editor 

Lindsey Latimer is an animator and graphic artist who has studied storytelling and visual design at Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He enjoys a nice cup of coffee in the morning while puttering around the house. Lindsey lives in Atlanta with his wife and their two young rabbits. 

Ashley Foote, Digital Producer / Social Media

Ashley Foote is a Digital Producer with a degree in Graphic Design from Concordia University  and is NewMyths.com Social Media Ambassador. Ashley loves to sail, dance and paint when she has a spare moment during her busy schedule of full-time work and finishing her masters in Psychology. 

Rob del Sol, Technologyst / Digital Producer 

Rob del Sol brings 50-years of technology experience to NewMyths and has been with the team since the creation of the very first NewMyths.com Issue #1 back in 2007. Rob manages NewMyths.com web infrastructure and is directly involved in the design and production of each publication.