New Milford School District

Pathway to Emotional Wellbeing

"When schools purposely choose to build respectful relationships and meaningful connections with students, staff, and families, a sense of safety, belonging, and trust takes hold. When students feel valued, connected, and supported by their school community members, mental health and well-being are just two of many improvements."

Mason, Rivers Murphy, and Jackson, 2020 Mindful School Communities

Welcome to the Emotional Wellness Informational and Support google site. The following pages provide information for our school community regarding various topics that affect our emotional wellbeing. There are many resources provided to inform and assist you with a range of emotional concerns. The site is not intended to be a fully comprehensive list of information and resources available. It will be updated as needed to meet specific needs relevant to our school community. Please reach out to our staff listed under the contacts tab with any questions specific to your student.

Site updated by Lynn Nissenbaum, September 2022