Transition Services

ACCES-VR is a New York State agency that can offer support for Special Education students throughout their transition from the high school setting. Your child has the opportunity to apply for this assistance and continue to work toward their educational and employment goals after graduation. This will be discussed further during annual review meetings for high school students.

Application to apply for ACCES-VR!

Below you will find a "User Friendly Guide", plus an application and release form. Once the application and release form are filled out and signed by both the student and parent/guardian, please return to Mrs. Evans.

User friendly guide to ACCES-VR.pdf
VR-04 - Application - English 2017.pdf
VR-21 Information Release Auth Form 3-2015.pdf

Office for People With Developmental Disabilities


Taken from the OPWDD Website:

OPWDD offers an array of services and supports to help people with developmental disabilities live in the home of their choice; find employment and other meaningful activities in which to participate; build relationships in the community, and experience health and wellness. The various levels and combinations of services and supports mean that OPWDD can accommodate the strengths, needs, and preferences of virtually any person with developmental disabilities.

OPWDD understands that there is no “one-size-fits-all” program that is appropriate for every person. That’s why every person that is receiving OPWDD supports and services undergoes a person-centered planning process. The goal of this process is to discover the particular abilities, wants, goals and needs of each individual served. Person-centered planning helps us turn the input of each individual and his/her caregiver(s) to build a lifestyle suited to his or her unique situation.

OPWDD is committed to providing a wide variety of support and service options to meet the needs of individuals and their families. OPWDD supports and services include:

  • Help for people to live in a home in the community.

  • Help for families to support their family member to live in the family home with respite and other family support services.

  • Help for people who want to work in the community with employment training and support, volunteer opportunities, and other types of community engagement.

  • And help for people who need intensive residential and day services.