9-10th Grade

Diploma Types

Diploma Types

Here are the classes and Regents exams necessary in order to graduate with a Regents Diploma, or Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation! You will also see notes on how to graduate with a diploma with honors, or an Annotation of Mastery in Math and or Science.


The PSAT will be offered October 12, 2022 at New Lebanon. The PSAT is a exam that will help to get you ready for the SAT. The SAT is a nationally recognized exam that colleges and universities may use in their application process. Traditionally, this test is aimed at 11th grade students and the curriculum they have been exposed to by that point, but 10th graders are encouraged to participate! Check out this PowerPoint for more information.

*Please note- 11th graders will get first priority! See Mrs. Evans ASAP if you are interested in participating!

PSATs Fall 2021