
Obesity Trends

Obesity Rates in the US

Making Sense of Portion Sizes

Making Sense of Portion Sizes- Google Slide

Serving Size Match up

Please click on the button to open the Google Form on serving sizes. Please open the Google Slide to the left to help you answer the questions.

Portion Distortion

We learned in Super Size Me that our portion sizes have gotten out of hand.  See the original portion size and calories that and compare what they are today.  Also, you will see what you will have to do in order to burn off the extra calories.   

Body Composition

What is body composition? You will find out in this short lesson.  What makes your body and how to calculate it in a healthy way.  

Portion Distortion

Body Composition 6th Grade

My Plate

Today we will learn how many servings we should get from each of the food groups per day.

Super Size Me

Questions for this will be in your google classroom.