Workout at home

Hi Everyone!! We hope everyone is working hard on classwork and also finding time to get outside and get some fresh air as well as getting that heart rate up.

We will be posting exercises/activities every other day. Some you will like and others probably not so much. These are just suggestions on what to do while you are at home but do your best to do something for at least 30 minutes everyday.

We have uploaded activity logs that are now MANDATORY. We have sent it to everyone through Google Classroom so please use those if you are able. If you need to print them out that is fine but if you use the Google Doc the is posted below remember to share it with us.

Work hard on your school work and have fun with some of these exercises/activities!

Take advantage of the YMCA videos. These are free (for now) and are a great resource.

Activity logs

[Template] PE Distance Learning April May June

Google Doc Activity Log

PE Distance Learning April May June.pdf

PDF Activity Log

Fitness Workouts

4 Week Fitness Challenge

4 Week Fitness Challenge

This is an all-in-one workout for four weeks. There is a calendar with exercises/activities for each day.

15 Minute Workout for Teens

15 Minute Body Toning Workout ♡ for Teens. Get ready to tone your legs, arms, abs & burn excess fat. I'm here with you from the warm up through to the stretch.

10 Minute Workout: No weights needed

Crossfit Workout Without Equipment | Full Body | 10 Min | No weights | 40 Seconds Work | 20 Seconds Rest | Bodyweight Exercises Only

A strong, stable core is the foundation you need to not only prevent injury but move freely and strongly in every workout. Join the 30-day plank challenge and you'll see noticeable changes in just a month's time.

It starts off pretty simple on day 1 but by day 30 you will be an abs master!

The ultimate 30-day push-up challenge that slowly increases reps and provides complementary moves to build your triceps and core strength. Just give us one month, and we'll give you the tools you need to master the mat and reveal your most sculpted upper body yet.



15 Minute Meditation For Anxiety guides you through a simple at home meditation to provide relief from anxiety, stress and energetic imbalance.

Yoga For Beginners

Hop on the mat and start to build the foundation of your own yoga practice with this 20 minute home workout video! Enjoy, stay mindful and find what feels good.

Full Body Vinyasa Flow

Get ready to embody the essence of joy for your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing with this uplifting and strengthening vinyasa flow.

Total Body Flow

Join me for this special 40 minute yoga flow designed to remind you of your worth and created to tend to all parts of the body.


15-Minute Bounce-Back Cardio Dance Workout

30-Minute Hip-Hop Fit Workout

Get ready to unleash your inner dance and fitness beast with Hip-Hop Fit creator Mike Peele!


Try the total-body workout where every move is synced to a beat.

Sports Related Drills/Exercises

Free Throw

When you head to the charity stripe to shoot a pair of free throws, you’ll want to be ready to sink them for your team.


The layup is one of the offensive fundamentals in basketball. A layup is a high-percentage shot that requires regular work in practice.

10 Drills

Take your basketball skills to the next level here.


Top 4 running drills to help improve running form, build speed, and correct technique for all runners.

Running Form Drills

Running form drills are staples in most competitive runners training.


This video shows you how to make solid contact with the ball so that you can strike the ball then the turf.

Golf- Chipping

In this golf lesson I hope to give you the BEST CHIPPING TIP EVER - This video will help you improve your short shots around the putting green.

Archery tips

Spending too much time at full draw? Trying to force yourself to aim steady? This video is for you.

Archery for Beginners

3 women shoot for the first time and learn the basics of archery.

Archery Activity Book


Here is an activity book for archers. It might be more interesting for younger students but it can still pass some time.

Here is a link to USA Archery. They have activities to do during the Pandemic.