
aka S.T.E.A.M. // Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics

void setup() {Class Description

When you were a toddler, you learned to walk by trying, and then falling back, changing the way you moved a little and trying again, and after failing to walk, made some more changes, and then finally you were upright and moving. You held on to something and wobble, step, fall, up, step... You LEARN by fixing mistakes. Were you embarrassed by all the failing? No, not at that age. You solved the problem of falling by trying many ways to stay standing. Did you quit when it got too hard? No. You really wanted to walk around like everyone else so you pushed yourself to keep making changes.

Be like a toddler. Keep going!

In this class you will experience hands-on projects that you select from what is available, or that you propose from your own ideas and interests. From computer engineering, robotics, automation, mechanics, building trades, arts, entertainment, physical engineering, product design, to agricultural science

Based on what is offered or available, what are your interests? What do you want to hack? What will ignite your curiosity in this quest for creativity?

"Open source" is when you make something that solves a problem, that is helpful to the progress of people, and you decide to give that idea away to the public. No one owns it, so anyone is free to build it or improve it and spread it further to more minds. "Open Source" is where many lessons your teachers give you are from. It's also one of the drivers behind speedier advances in science and technology. What is an example the open source universe? There is a Youtube diy video for EVERYTHING! You can learn how to do many many things by studying videos on Youtube... just need to find them first.  

The GOALS of the course are for you to:

The Ideals of the course are:


void loop() { This Class has Two Sides to it} //


Side Two: HANDS-ON LEARNING with Projects


 November - May 


Safety - Safety in the shop is the first priority. For every tool, all students must be fully trained and pass a safety test. Students may only use power tools after gaining approval from the instructor on the set up and safety of each operation. All students have signed a safety agreement and assume responsibility for their actions regarding tool use. Click here to view the safety agreement.

Curiosity sparks. Creativity ignites. InnovatION TIME!

These are people who thought about what people NEED and innovated SOLUTIONS that they tried. Try, misstep, try, misstep, try... then one day, SUCCESS!!!

Dr. Shirley Jackson - Researched subatomic particles that helped make computers possible.

Click here: Watch a documentary on Ms. Jackson

Nikola Tesla - Invented some part of 75% of ALL technology!

Click here: Watch a Documentary on Mr. Tesla

Lewis Latimer - Invented the carbon filament in household lightbulbs.

Click here: Watch a documentary on Mr. Latimer