Class Rubric

How will I be graded in CSDT? 

Your grade each marking period will be calculated from the following:

At the end of the year your entire eportfolio will be graded and count as the final exam at a value of a whole marking period.

Learning task assignments

Learning task assignments will be posted in our Google Classroom weekly. There will be more learning tasks in the beginning of the year as we learn about the design process and tool use.  These may be done during class all together, or as a break from project work, or as homework. 

Project Effort 

While you work day to day on your project, you will be expected to stay focused on your work for the full class period. Each week you will receive a grade out of 100 points for your effort in planning, preparing, project execution, clean up and SAFETY.


A possible scenario:

"But Mr. Blizzard I can't work because the glue is drying, the material isn't here yet, the tool is being used..." If you can: 

Making up work

Project effort grades can NOT be made up. Once the week is over and you have received your effort grade, it is in the past. The only way to improve project effort is showing effort every day in class for the full class period. You have to think this class is like being "on the job", working steadily throughout each class period. This is a good work ethic.

Learning Task assignments can be redone up until two weeks before the end of the marking period. When an assignment is made up, in order to get credit and have the grade changed in Schooltool, you must fill out this form and submit it. Click here

The Eportfolio

You eportfolio will be the place you put everything you learn this year. When you make stuff, you will learn how to plan, how to design, how to research, how to measure, how to use tools on different materials. You will learn math, physics and history. You will make mistakes and fix those mistakes. You will have feelings and new ideas. 

👆ALL of this information should be in your eportfolio. 👆

Sooooo what do I put in the PROJECT PAGE of my ePortfolio?

answer: Content! Be a content creator!

What is "content"?  Content is:


At the end of the year, your eportfolio will be assessed. Your final Project Page should have at least one video 3-5 minutes long that you made to explain some part of the design process, one longer written reflection piece about each of the steps of the process, and minimum five photos that tell the story, along with captions/descriptions of what each photo is showing in the process. 

eportfolio Example:

If you need an example of how it should look, here is Mr. Blizzard's model of how to build a Project pages. There are two project pages.