
Looking for some tasks to grow or showcase your skills? Check out the tasks below. 

Note: Dream Camp applicants may choose to do any of these if they want. It's not required for application.

These tasks are intended for learners to grow in how they see themselves and others as humans who can intentionally effect their own flourishment.
Users may choose these as part of their own growth plan or to showcase their learning pathway to others.

Tasks belong mainly to one of the following channels:

For users to submit digital artifacts, please complete the release form above


Skillfully meeting each learner as a human and employing effective practices in facilitating learner growth.

Task 001 - You the Learner

On your own or with a partner, create a digital artifact of how you see yourself as a learner.
Note: Audio or video recordings should be done only with permission from each voice. 

Some questions to consider:

Other interview questioning ideas can be found here.

Share your digital artifact with eachvoice@newesd101.net or at cothinkingclassrooms.slack.com (join here)

Task 002 - Your Dream Class

On your own or with a partner, create a digital artifact of your vision of an ideal classroom, your dream class.
Note: Audio or video recordings should be done only with permission from each voice. 

Some questions to consider:

Challenge: After discussing in partners, discuss your thinking as a group, department, school, org, etc. 

Share your digital artifact with eachvoice@newesd101.net or at cothinkingclassrooms.slack.com (join here)


Skillfully meeting each learner as a human and employing effective practices in facilitating learner growth.

Task 003 - Candi the Learner

Use AI tools to analyze this transcript of Candi telling her story as a learner

Some questions to consider:

Share your digital artifact with eachvoice@newesd101.net or at cothinkingclassrooms.slack.com (join here)

Task 004 - Task Analyzer

Create a GPT to analyze the quality of a STEM task (including facilitation guide) that might be used in a classroom.

Some questions to consider:

Share your digital artifact with eachvoice@newesd101.net or at cothinkingclassrooms.slack.com (join here)

Task 005 - Slack Summaries

Using AI tools, build a process/tool that will summarize the contents of a Slack workspace channel (or more).

Some questions to consider:

Share your digital artifact with eachvoice@newesd101.net or at cothinkingclassrooms.slack.com (join here)

More coming soon

Knowledge Base Documents

Principal Educational Frameworks provides an overview of the principles and practices that best guide learning according to current research