Launch Timeline

Collaboration tools

Connect with educators at Co-thinking Classrooms' Slack workspace (join here)

Educators are already chatting in channels focused on

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Dream Camp 2024

On behalf of the generous funding of the Hagan Foundation, fifteen (15) educators will come together for three (3) days of innovative professional learning in Spokane, WA.

15 Educators


Dream Camp will be hosted Downtown Spokane, WA along the Spokane River at the Davenport Grand Hotel.


The Hagan Foundation Grant outlines key outcomes for Dream Camp as follows: adoption of advanced teaching methodologies backed by the latest educational research and technology, creation of a dynamic collaborative network of educators championing interdisciplinary teaching, development of lesson plans closely aligned with real-world challenges to enrich student learning experiences, and fostering a culture of continuous innovation and improvement in education. These outcomes aim to ensure that education remains relevant, engaging, and adaptable to the needs of future generations.

Commitments and provisions

The cohort of 15 educators will receive 

The awarding of the 15 Dream Camp Fellowships is contingent upon each participant's commitment to 

Applications will be accepted from Monday, February 19 through Monday, February 26.
All NEWESD 101 educators are encouraged to apply. Apply here.


Join the waitlist for upcoming announcements by emailing 

For all other Dream Camp 2024 conversations, also email