
You will have a locker this year! If you've never used a combination lock, this is your year to learn. 

Click the picture of the lock to visit a website where you can practice using a combination lock!

Times to Visit Your Locker

before school

Get anything you’ll need for Flex & periods 1,2,3.

before lunch

Put away books & Chromebook and get your lunch, coat, and anything else you’ll need for lunch and recess. No locker visits between lunch and recess!

after lunch

Get your Chromebook and anything you’ll need for periods 5,6,7,8,9. Remember period 7 is a Unified Arts class! No locker visits before or after period 7.

after school

Bring your Chromebook home to charge it!

REMEMBER: Leaving class to get something you forgot in your locker is a privilege, not a right. Privileges come with responsibility, so develop a routine to remember the things you need for each class!