Outdoor Activity Guidelines

Weather permitting, students are expected to participate in outside recess each day. Please be certain your child is dressed appropriately every day, based on the expected weather forecast. A student who is well enough to attend school is considered well enough to participate in outdoor recess or PE class. If it becomes necessary for your child to be excused from recess or (PE) due to hot/cold temperatures or a medical condition, a written note is required from a parent/guardian that states the reason as well as the number of days he/she is to be excluded. If the exclusion is more than two days, a note from a doctor or nurse practitioner is required again, stating the reason for the exclusion and the number of days the child is to be restricted.

The following guidelines will be used for outdoor activities during extremes in temperature. Students should be dressed accordingly. If a student is not dressed appropriately for the weather, school staff will determine if the student should remain indoors.


· 32 degrees or higher- Full outdoor activity

· 20 to 31 degrees- Outdoor activity should be restricted to 10 - 15 minutes

· 10 to 19 degrees- Outdoor activity should be restricted to 5 minutes

· 10 degrees or below- Activities should be held indoors


**Water should be accessible before and after recess during hot weather.

· 89 degrees or less- Full outdoor activity

· 90 - 95 degrees- Full outdoor activity with close monitoring of very active students.

· 95 – 99 degrees- Outdoor activity should be restricted to walking, swinging, or other light activity.

· 100 degrees or higher- Activities should be held indoors

*When applicable, MSHSAA guidelines concerning extremes in temperature will be followed for school-sponsored activities at the middle school and high school levels.