School Counselor
Alisha Jones, Counselor
Riley Aguilar, Counselor
Classroom Guidance Activities
Thirty minute classroom guidance lessons are provided to the students on a regular basis. The lessons cover topics such as self esteem, getting along with others, problem solving, decision making, goal setting and learning responsibility. These lessons meet the Missouri guidance standards.
Other Services
Teacher Support Teams (TST)- This is a team of educators who meet to discuss individual student needs and to develop intervention strategies to help promote school success.
Check In Check Out (CICO)- CICO is a highly effective research based intervention and can be changed and adapted to suit any school or situation. The program consist of students daily checking in with an adult at the start of school to retrieve a goal sheet and encouragement, teachers provide feedback on the sheet throughout the day, students check out at the end of the day with an adult, and the students takes the sheet home to be signed, returning it the following morning at check in. Students are referred for CICO by their classroom teachers.
Individual and small group counseling - I will meet with individual or small groups of students with similar needs on a weekly basis during school hours. Student may refer themselves or they may be referred by a teacher or parent. Participation is strictly voluntary.
Resource for parents- I am available to consult with you about specific concerns and provide information to medical doctors, therapists and independent counselor's about your child's specific needs.