Digestive System Experts

What Can I Do To Help Amanda?

  • Every student in this group will go through resources that will help them become experts on the Digestive System.

  • Students are encouraged to go through resources together as a group and collect notes together

  • On Day 5 you will write your narrative by yourself


Who's the most important?

Today is introduction day! You will all be working together as a class. Ms. Franco will first show an introduction video on how your body systems work, and then we will discuss it as a class. Afterward, you will all sit on the carpet, and read the Reader's Theatre. After we finished learning about the systems, we will VOTE on which one is the most important!

Introduction Video:

Readers Theatre:


Time to become experts!

It is your time to become an expert! Today, we will work with our assigned groups to learn about our systems! You are going to go through the resources and take notes. You can watch the videos as many times as you need, and you can read the resources as much as you need... whatever you need to do is fine!

Introduction Video: WATCH HERE

Second Video: HERE

Website: LOOK HERE


Vocabulary Resources:

We are halfway there! Today we are going to go really deep into our research... we are going to identify the organs that are part of our assigned body system. Ms. Franco will demonstrate how to use a word map, and then you will complete one for all the different organs in your body systems. Look back at your notes, and resources from yesterday as well as the new resources provided to complete your word maps.

Ask Ms. Franco for Vocabulary Graphic Organizers to fill out for today's research.

Intro Video (again): WATCH HERE

Second Video (new) : WATCH HERE

Word Map.pdf


Planning for Adventure...

We are almost at the finish line! Today we are going to be watching an example of an adventure. We will watch The Magic School Bus: Inside Ralphie and see what our adventure can look like. After the video, we will meet with our groups one final time to start planning our own individual adventures, but discussing your ideas and planning together. After we are done watching the video go To Ms. Franco and grab the graphic organizer you will use with your group to plan your adventure/narrative

DIGITAL COPY down below

Narrative Planning Page.pdf


Time to adventure!

After all our hard work we are finally going on our adventure...

Go on google classroom and begin writing your narrative!