Meet the Delivery Partnership

Nesta is a global innovation foundation. The organisation backs new ideas to tackle the big challenges of our time, working in partnership with governments, businesses and charities.

Nesta is the lead coordination, design and delivery partner for the Global Innovation Policy Accelerator.

FutureGov has been changing public sector organisations through digital transformation for over a decade, using design, technology and organisation development approaches to create public services fit for the 21st century.

FutureGov leads on the 'design for policy' approach of the Programme, and is involved in both content creation and delivery of sessions.

The Institute (MIoIR) is a world-leading centre of excellence in the study of science, technology and innovation policy and management. Its research, teaching and engagement activities build on many years of expertise in the field.

MIoIR's role includes primary content production and delivery of a range of training sessions in addition to expert mentoring.

100% Open is a global open innovation agency, combining expertise, networks and tools generating collaboration, with considerable experience working with public , private and third sector organisations.

100% Open works on the Programme's experience and learning journey, ensuring an effective approach to cross-system collaboration and team-building.

Oxentia is a successful innovation management and technology commercialisation consultancy that started life as an operating division within the world leading technology transfer company of the University of Oxford.

Oxentia leads the work around commercialisation of innovation and university-business links, as well as provides delivery of training sessions.

Meet our Funders

Innovate UK

Set up as the UK’s innovation agency, Innovate UK accelerates economic growth in the UK by stimulating and supporting business-led innovation. The agency works with people, companies, and partner organisations to find and drive the science and technology innovations that will grow the UK economy, delivering productivity, new jobs and exports, and keeping the UK globally competitive.

Newton Fund

The Newton Fund was set up by the UK government in 2014 to develop science and innovation partnerships promoting the economic development and welfare of a range of partner countries. The fund builds research, innovation and policy partnerships with partner countries to support their economic development and social welfare, and develop their capacity for long-term sustainable growth.

Meet the Nesta team

Benjamin Reid

Programme Director

I oversee Nesta’s development programmes for senior innovation policymakers from around the world. With the Global Innovation Policy Accelerator I aim to provide participants with the best possible opportunity to understand and work with the UK’s innovation policy ecosystem. I am responsible for ensuring the Policy Accelerator helps achieve the UK government’s goals for stronger collaboration for innovation policy through the Newton Fund.

Paulina Gonzalez-Ortega

Design and Delivery Lead

I am the Design and Delivery Lead for the Global Innovation Policy Accelerator. I lead on the design of content, tools and materials and oversee the delivery of the whole Programme. My work ranges from defining the structure of the Programme to designing the process and touch points that shape the participants' learning journey.

Florence Engasser

Programme Manager

I am Programme Manager for the Global Innovation Policy Accelerator, both involved behind the scenes and on the front line, managing day-to-day delivery of the Programme across the regions we work with. I am the main point of contact for the teams throughout the Programme. I will be on maternity leave from November 2019.

Juan Casasbuenas

Curriculum and Content Manager

I am the Curriculum and Content Manager for the Programme. I work with the team on the design of the learning journey for the accelerator. This includes supporting the design of the workshops participants are attending and the tools they are using. I also develop content for the Programme, sharing with the world stories, reflections, and innovative work happening on this journey.

Nathan Kably

Programme Manager

I am Programme Manager for the Policy Accelerator. I oversee engagement and support delivery and programme design, working closely with Florence and Paulina. I will be taking over Florence from November and during the whole period of her maternity leave.

Anna Schlimm

Learning Experience Designer

I am the Learning Experience Designer for the Policy Accelerator. I support with the design of the Programme learning experience, develop tools and materials and support programme delivery.

Alex Glennie

Lead Coach

I am the Lead Coach for the Global Innovation Policy Accelerator, coordinating the support that we provide to teams throughout their project journey. Along with other colleagues from our delivery partnership, I will be helping participants to build a strong and collaborative team, develop their project plan, and manage the delivery of an innovative project that they are proud of.

Silvia Pau

Programme Coordinator

I am the Programme Coordinator for the Policy Accelerator. I oversee the coordination of activities across workstreams and partners as well as support the development and delivery of the Programme.