How does it work?

The Global Innovation Policy Accelerator programme is funded through the UK government’s Newton Fund. It delivers executive development to national or regional cohorts of senior policymakers from the main innovation institutions, while strengthening the implementation capabilities of their teams.

The Programme is delivered by a consortium of leading UK expert organisations including the universities of Manchester and Oxford, and innovation and design expert consultants 100% Open and FutureGov.

We also work with local partner organisations in each of the countries the Programme is delivered in to help us navigate the unique innovation systems we are working with.

This Programme has the potential to make a real difference to national innovation systems and drive greater inclusive economic development.

Our objectives

Programme structure

The Programme is delivered over nine months. During two one-week sessions, participants learn about cutting-edge innovation policy practice and engage with their counterparts in the UK innovation system. After each visit, participants have access to a pool of UK experts and receive a minimum of three days of guided learning to support their project.

The Programme comes to a close with a two-day conference in the UK or one of the participating countries.

Our approach

The Programme is centered around learning by doing; our approach anchors the latest thinking in innovation policy in a practical, collaborative policy project that is developed in country teams.

Team projects are structured loosely around the Design Council’s Double Diamond process. Our ‘design for policy’ experts teach experimental, human-centered and iterative approaches to policymaking. Design methods and mindsets help policymakers ask the right questions, better understand the context and stakeholders they are designing for, communicate and test their ideas, and come up with impactful, imaginative solutions.

The experience
