
Maya Marchelle: Author, artist, activist

Maya Marchelle is North Minneapolis native, whose natural proclivity for writing, coupled with her love for music, led her to pursue her gift of songwriting. Maya's whit and fascination with words have equipped her with the uncanny ability to create music that takes the listener on a journey, and causes them to resonate with each line.

Along with writing, Maya holds a Bachelor of Science in child psychology and a masters degree in social work both from the University of Minnesota. She credits most of her inspiration to the young people that allow her to service them everyday. Her passion for young people and her melanin, along with her desire to help young black women recognize how much their existence means to the world has fueled much of Maya's creativity.

In the summer of 2017, Maya began what is now known to many as "The Hey Pretty Movement" with the release of a song written by Maya and authoring a coloring book with the same title. The Maya Marchelle brand is definitely one for the culture but it extends across all genres and all styles. Maya hopes that her persistence and ingenuity helps spark creativity and passion in those she's connected to. Her sole purpose is to suffuse the world with her light and to ensure that God is glorified in the process.

Learn more about Maya's art, music, and work at