DATA 8th Grade Newsletter


 Week 9:  Oct 10 - Oct 13

Please check the newsletter homepage for Important Information and Dates!


"... I wondered how I could ever have thought him [Darry] hard and unfeeling ... everything was going to be okay now.  I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home.  To stay." - Ponyboy Curtis in The Outsiders

Now that we've reached the halfway point of The Outsiders, it's time to slow things down a bit and review the most recently read chapters so we can deep-dive understand what characters are enduring and the "why" behind their thoughts and changes.

There will be an exam on Thursday over chapters 4-6.


Tuesday & Wednesday: 

7:45 am-8:15 am*


after school

*pass required

Lunch time tutoring is available - please see Mrs. Burciaga

Questions or concerns?  

Feel free to email me:


"Mathematics is the abstract key which turns the lock of the physical universe." 

-John Polkinghome

Algebra: Students are now solving complex equations. These equations involve many steps, which in turn provides many opportunities to make mistakes. I remind students during this unit that they can still know a lot of algebra even if they get the answer wrong. I will be looking at their steps to evaluate their mastery of this unit. We will test over Unit C on Friday, October 13. This test will be included in the next grading period.

Algebra 5th period: Students will begin Unit D, where we will look at linear functions in multiple forms and transform them to slope-intercept form to find key attributes.

Geometry: Triangles have multiple ways to create segments resulting in different points of center. We will construct and calculate based on these definitions.

Tutoring: Thursday before and after school or by appointment.


“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” –Albert Einstein 

Last week we finished up seasons and took our exam on Friday. Any student who received a score below a 70 will need to attend tutoring and retake the exam.

We are now moving on to the lunar cycle. We will learn the different phases of the moon, discuss what causes us to see the different phases. We will look at the relationship between the Earth and Moon as well as the length of rotation and revolution for the moon. Students will have to predict moon phases on any given day

There are several hands-on activities we complete to expose the students to more practice. We will complete a lunar lollipops lab and a lab which uses ping pong balls to represent the moon.

Tutoring is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, students can attend from 7:45-8:15 am. 

If you have any questions, you may email me at

U.S. History through 1877

We are Living History!


It's Month Three of 8th Grade!!!

After reviewing our misconceptions last week, and we covered the battles of the Revolution. We're going to start reviewing all of Unit 2 by creating digital Revolution "Murder Boards." Don't panic, no actual murder is happening! You know in crime shows or dramatic mysteries how the detective will map out all the clues on a board and connect them? Your historian will make a digital version of that, but for the Revolution. They'll be mapping out the causes, people, events, documents, and battles of the Revolution and then connecting them all Murder Board style!

Our Unit 2 Test is quickly approaching, your historian will take it on Tuesday, October 17th. The purpose of the Murder Board project is to have them review all of the events that we talked about in Unit 2. We'll also use Monday, the 16th, to review. As always, please encourage your historian to study. They have access to our Unit 2 slides in Classroom and a Unit 2 Gimkit will be posted for them to use. 

As of 10/6, I have all of the grades for your historian fully updated in my gradebook, including any late work. If the gradebook has the assignment marked as missing, I am missing that assignment from your historian. 


My Puzzle Club meets after school on  Thursday from 3:45 - 4:30. 


Tutoring is available Mondays, 7:45-8:20 am and 3:45-4:15. Students can also tutor during lunch every day, except Wednesdays.

You can reach me at

Have a wonderful week! 

-Ms. Van Horn

AV Comm/Video Game Design

Greetings DATA Families!
Have a great week!

AV Comm: The creative minds of our AV Comm students are set to forge ahead in their artistic exploration. Continuing their exploration of art, these students will concentrate on crafting digital artwork that skillfully showcases unity and form.

Video Game Design: Students are embarking on a captivating journey as they kickstart their video game history unit. Over the coming weeks, they will delve deep into the annals of gaming's rich past, exploring the evolution of this dynamic medium, from Pong to the latest virtual reality experiences. With a blend of nostalgia and anticipation, these students are poised to gain profound insights into the heritage that has shaped their craft.

My email is --Mrs. Malin

Tutoring is available Tuesday mornings and by

Mr. Lovett's Classes

Principles of Architecture: 

Architecture students have been doing a fantastic job with their interior design projects. The design and modeling aspects of the projects should be finished by Friday. Next they will be working on the presentation phase. 

Digital Media 2:

Typotober is in full swing! Throughout the month, we will be learning all about typography in design. They are also becoming masters of Adobe Illustrator! Next week, students will be presented with a brand new challenge to showcase their skill and knowledge of typography.  

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an email