DATA 8th Grade Newsletter


Week 4Sep 5 - Sep 8

Please check the newsletter homepage for Important Information and Dates!


"Try to be a rainbow is someone else's cloud." - Maya Angelou

Study over summer reading takes place this week as students begin work on a "mini" project ... the work to be done will take place during class and should [hopefully] take only this week to complete.  Students will choose from a list of project options, create a brief overview plan and proceed directly with pulling together all the resources needed to complete an organized and thoughtful project around the summer reading novel.


Tuesday & Wednesday: 

7:45 am-8:15 am*

Tuesday & Thursday:  


*pass required

After school tutoring times are limited.  If a student requires tutoring after school, please conference with Mrs. Burciaga about exact dates.

Questions or concerns?  Feel free to email me:


Algebra: We are transitioning into Unit 2, which includes the study of slope and linear functions. Most of the material in this unit will be a review for students, and we will be working to deepen their understanding of linear concepts and rate of change.

Geometry:  We are wrapping up our first unit on proofs and coordinate geometry and will test Thursday, Sept. 7. Students have spent time deriving equations and proving postulates, practicing justifying and communicating what they know.

Tutoring: Thursday before and after school or by appointment.


"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." -Albert Einstein

Last week we finished up our first part of the universe unit, discussing the different components of the universe. We looked at the size and distance of common objects in space as well as the different types of galaxies. We finished the week looking at the life cycle of stars and their classification on the HR Diagram. 

This week we will be looking at the electromagnetic spectrum and how different wavelengths are used to study objects in the universe. 

Tutoring is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, students can attend from 7:45-8:15 am. 

If you have any questions, you may email me at

U.S. History through 1877

We are Living History!


And just like that, one month, and unit one, are down! Your historian is wrapping up on their first big project: Colonial Recruitment pamphlets (it's better than it sounds :D). I'm super excited by what I'm seeing on these projects so far! 

Exciting update with their projects! I have worked out a deal with our wonderful librarian, Ms. Godoy, to create a small space to showcase physical versions of some of these pamphlets! I will be selecting some of the most show-stopping pamphlets to display using the criteria outlined in the project rubric. As we continue making products this year, I hope to continue to showcase your historian's hard work and new knowledge.

In less exciting, but just-as-important updates, Our Unit 1 Test is rapidly approaching! On Thursday, September 7th, we will be taking out Unit 1 test over Exploration and Colonization. Your historian can bring their notes home to study. I also posted our Unit 1 slides, as well as a Blooket review game, in Google Classroom. They can replay the game as much as they want. We will be doing some in-class review to prepare, but at home studying is alway encouraged!! Thank you so much!!


My Puzzle Club will be starting up in September. Our first meeting will be afterschool Thursday, September 7th, from 3:45 - 4:30. 


Tutoring is available Mondays, 7:45-8:20 am and 3:45-4:15

You can reach me at

Have a wonderful week! 

-Ms. Van Horn

AV Comm/Video Game Design

Greetings DATA Families!
Have a great week!

We value your trust in us for your students' education. I'm enjoying getting to know your children in my class. Our focus is on creating a positive classroom environment, building relationships, establishing trust, and exploring the impact of technology on our world.

AV Comm: Students have completed their student ePortfolios and will continue to add work to them throughout the year as keepsakes of their hard work and creative expressions in my class. They will include several graphic design pieces they have produced to demonstrate their artistic abilities as they currently stand. I am anticipating observing growth in their skillset throughout the course of the year.

Video Game Design: In this phase of their learning journey, students are progressing with their exploration of SNAP! The exciting next step involves them embarking on their inaugural video game project. This project not only showcases their adeptness in coding, but also encourages their creativity to flourish as they craft a compelling narrative intertwined with interactive animations. Through this hands-on experience, students will not only refine their coding skills but also develop a profound understanding of the fusion between storytelling and technology.

My email is --Mrs. Malin

Mr. Lovett's Classes

Principles of Architecture: 

This week in Principles of Architecture we will be learning how to read floor plans. This is one of my favorite units as we get a little bit of history using the "Sears Modern Home."

Digital Media 2:

Digital Media 2 students will be focusing on a new design principle every month. In September, we will be zoning in on symmetry.  Next week, we will also be looking at ethical and legal issues facing digital creators. 

Students in all DATA 8th grade tech classes enjoy complimentary access to Adobe Creative Cloud, made possible by the support of NEISD. This means they can freely use Adobe's suite of applications on their personal devices at home. This opportunity equips them with tools for graphic design, video editing, photography, animation, and more. Feel free to contact me for assistance in setting up this software at home.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an email