DATA 8th Grade Newsletter


Week 27:  March 4 - 8

Please check the newsletter homepage for Important Information and Dates!


"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." 

- Robert Frost

After some good review of poetry terms and some practice identifying devices and structure in brief examples, we'll look in-depth at poetic devices in a particular poem.

We will spend a day working on a district  assessment covering argumentative text and writing, and there may be a day at the very end of the week when students can turn in missing work (as next Friday, 3/8 is the end of the grading period).


Tuesday & Wednesday: 

7:45 am-8:15 am*


after school until 4:15

*pass required

Lunch time tutoring is available - please see Mrs. Burciaga

Questions or concerns?


"Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater." -Albert Einstein 

Students can get 1.5 community service hours by joining me in a campus clean-up after school Monday, March 4. Meet at my room (P-10) and be picked up at the front of the school by 5:00.

Algebra: We will have a few lessons on solving quadratics, including the beloved quadratic formula. Students will have a short quiz at the end of the week.

Geometry: Students will use their knowledge of kites to create and fly a kite! On Friday we will have a pi day party. Students must bring something that is a circle shape to investigate. It may be edible to share with the class.

Tutoring: Thursday before and after school or by appointment.


Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. --Benjamin Spock

Last week we discussed the three plate boundaries and the geologic features that form at each one. Students learned about convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. Students were introduced to the following land features: folded mountains, fault block mountains, island arcs, trenches, rift valleys, mid-ocean ridges, form at each of the three plate boundaries. Students also completed lab stations and a quiz on plate tectonics.

We will spend this week on topographic maps. Students will analyze land features as well as the relief on maps. They will look at areas of both high and low relief on a map, as well as calculate the relief. They will identify areas on a map that have easier more gentle routes from one location to another, as well as steep areas that make it more difficult. 

Students will also practice identifying landmarks on maps such as roads, buildings, railroad tracks, churches, schools, and hospitals. They will look at topographic maps with mountains, hills, ridges, valleys, and streams. 

Students will also match different maps aerial views to the profile view.

    Lastly, we will look at how erosion has changed land features over time. 

Tutoring is offered on Mondays and Fridays from 3:45-4:15. 

If you have any questions, you may email me at

U.S. History through 1877

We are Living History!


Happy March! We're talking about the causes of the Civil War and the war itself this week. That's right, we're on Unit 7 of 8! The end is near! 

As far as causes go, there's a lot to look at: economic tariffs, the legality of slavery, the Dred Scott case, the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the Kansas - Nebraska Act (Bleeding Kansas), John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, sectionalism, the idea of state's rights, and the election of 1860! Whew, we're going to be nice and busy!

 I know, it's the week before break. Still, the almighty STAAR approaches quicker than it did last year, so we have to use every ounce of time we have!


Tutoring is available Mondays, 7:45-8:20 am and 3:45-4:15. Students can also tutor during lunch every day, except Wednesdays

You can reach me at

Have a wonderful week! 

-Ms. Van Horn

AV Comm/Video Game Design

Greetings DATA Families!
Have a great week!

“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” — William Arthur Ward

AV COMM: Students wrapped up their fashion design unit by designing clothing, accessories, paper dolls, and advertisements. To wrap up their last week of the nine weeks, students as a class will come up with a fashion design line.

Video Game Design: Students are continuing to explore Unreal Engine and it's features. Next week students will be working on their second tutorial which will enable 1st person interaction. 

Please remind students to turn in any missing work!

Tutoring is available Tuesday mornings and by appointment. 


Mr. Lovett's Classes

Principles of Architecture: 

We're in the home stretch of the third grading period! Students are wrapping up the unit on landscape architecture.

Digital Media 2:

Digital Media students have grown in leaps and bounds in web design. They have learned a LOT of coding and well on their way to being able to code a simple web page from scratch! This week we will start our March design principle and keep working hard on coding.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an email