DATA 8th Grade Newsletter


Week 26:  Feb 26 - March 1

Please check the newsletter homepage for Important Information and Dates!


"You were born to be real, not to be perfect." 

- Anonymous

I promised test corrections on the DEUA Unit 3 assessment from last month, and this is week we take care of that!  It's also a great opportunity, as we look forward to STAAR in early April, for students to rethink their approach to testing and "review" their understanding of informational texts.

Also this week, we begin a brief study of POETRY! We'll start with some review notes of terms students are hopefully still familiar with, and then move on into a "station study" of a Langston Hughes poem.


Tuesday & Wednesday: 

7:45 am-8:15 am*


after school until 4:15

*pass required

Lunch time tutoring is available - please see Mrs. Burciaga

Questions or concerns?


"Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater." -Albert Einstein 

Please remind your students that when they are struggling, they are learning!

Algebra: Students will test over Unit H at the end of the week. The test will include exponent laws and adding, subtracting, and multiplying polynomials.

Geometry: Unit 7 Test will be at the end of this week. Students will choose quadrilaterals and polygons to calculate the area and angles.

Tutoring: Thursday before and after school or by appointment.


Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. --Benjamin Spock

Last week we discussed the three plate boundaries and the geologic features that form at each one. Students learned about convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. Students were introduced to the following land features: folded mountains, fault block mountains, island arcs, trenches, rift valleys, mid-ocean ridges, form at each of the three plate boundaries. Students also completed lab stations and a quiz on plate tectonics.

We will spend this week on topographic maps. Students will analyze land features as well as the relief on maps. They will look at areas of both high and low relief on a map, as well as calculate the relief. They will identify areas on a map that have easier more gentle routes from one location to another, as well as steep areas that make it more difficult. 

Students will also practice identifying landmarks on maps such as roads, buildings, railroad tracks, churches, schools, and hospitals. They will look at topographic maps with mountains, hills, ridges, valleys, and streams. 

Students will also match different maps aerial views to the profile view.

    Lastly, we will look at how erosion has changed land features over time. 

Tutoring is offered on Mondays and Fridays from 3:45-4:15. 

If you have any questions, you may email me at

U.S. History through 1877

We are Living History!


Hello all! February is nearly over! Three more months of 8th grade!

This week your historian is writing our argumentative essay. We're taking a closer look at Andrew Jackson and judging how democratic he was. You historian will get to look at primary and secondary documents related to Jackson's achievements and shortcomings and decide for themselves how beneficial or detrimental he was to American democracy. 

A reminder that this essay will replace our typical unit assessment; after our essay will just jump right into Civil War. 


My Puzzle Club meets after school on  Thursday from 3:45 - 4:30 


Tutoring is available Mondays, 7:45-8:20 am and 3:45-4:15. Students can also tutor during lunch every day, except Wednesdays

You can reach me at

Have a wonderful week! 

-Ms. Van Horn

AV Comm/Video Game Design

Greetings DATA Families!
Have a great week!

“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” — William Arthur Ward

AV COMM: Students will continue their fashion design unit and will be working on their project and presenting it during the end of the week. Their project can consist of designing graphic t-shirts, hats, gloves, jewelry, and othe accessories. They will also design and execute a graphic t-shirt, a hat, and a pair of shoes. 

Video Game Design: Students are working on their blueprints and gaming environments in Unreal Engine. 

Please remind students to turn in any missing work!

Tutoring is available Tuesday mornings and by appointment. 


Mr. Lovett's Classes

Principles of Architecture: 

Last week we added some cool textures to our finished models. I must say, I am very impressed with the designs.  We also began our unit on landscape architecture. Next week, we will start applying what we've learned about, aesthetics, usefulness and energy efficiency to our home models.

Digital Media 2:

Februiety is here!! Earlier in the month students focused on harmony. Now we are looking at variety and how it impacts design. 

Last week students coded their first web pages using HTML5 and CSS3. They have taken that site and created a template that they can use in all future creations! Next week they will be tasked with taking some of their creations from earlier in the year and turning them into web pages. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an email