DATA 8th Grade Newsletter


Week 24:  Feb 12-16

Please check the newsletter homepage for Important Information and Dates!


About writing ...

"The most difficult and complicated part of the writing process is the beginning." 

- A.B. Yehoshua

The end of the writing process for the argumentative essay is in sight this week (sort of)!  Rough drafts will be finalized ... revising and editing will take up some time ... and we will get specifications around the FINAL COPY in order.

Overall, students have been doing a phenomenal job staying engaged with the writing process, managing the use of class time well to get through every task, and gaining confidence in their ability to think about their own writing.


Tuesday & Wednesday: 

7:45 am-8:15 am*


after school until 4:15

*pass required

Lunch time tutoring is available - please see Mrs. Burciaga

Questions or concerns?


"Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater." -Albert Einstein 

Please remind your students that when they are struggling, they are learning!

Algebra: We finished our work with exponent laws, involving operations with monomials (single terms) last week. We will now move on to operations with polynomials (multiple terms). Students who feel they need extra practice should look in DeltaMath Unit H Practice.

Geometry: Unit 7 covers polygons. We will revisit shapes and concepts learned in 6th grade and stretch it to include interior and exterior angles of all number sided shapes. (What if the polygon has an infinite number of sides?)

Tutoring: Thursday before and after school or by appointment.


Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do. --Benjamin Spock

Last week we introduced our Geology unit. We will look at evidence that supports the Theory of Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift. such as mountain chains, earthquakes, and fossil evidence. We will also look at the three types of plate boundaries and the geologic features that form at each one. 

Students need to be familiar with convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. Students need to know which formation such as folded mountains, fault block mountains, island arcs, trenches, rift valleys, mid-ocean ridges, form at each of the three plate boundaries. 

When we complete plate tectonics, we will move on to topography. Students will analyze land features as well as the relief on maps. Students will practice identifying land marks on maps. 

Tutoring is offered on Mondays and Fridays from 3:45-4:15. 

If you have any questions, you may email me at

U.S. History through 1877

We are Living History!


Week 24 and we'll be wrapping up on Unit 5 this week. Your historian is working on a concept map for this unit. Your historian is taking this unit's ideas and important people, mapping them out digitally, and explaining the connections in their map. This concept map is helping them review the material that will be on their Unit 5 Test. Your historian's Unit 5 Test will be this Thursday, the 15th. As always, they can review using their notes, my Classroom slides, and the Review Blooket I have posted. 


My Puzzle Club meets after school on  Thursday from 3:45 - 4:30 


Tutoring is available Mondays, 7:45-8:20 am and 3:45-4:15. Students can also tutor during lunch every day, except Wednesdays

You can reach me at

Have a wonderful week! 

-Ms. Van Horn

AV Comm/Video Game Design

Greetings DATA Families!
Have a great week!

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
Benjamin Franklin

AV COMM: Students are getting ready to create presentation slides about fashion history and its impact on society. They'll use analysis and visuals to show how fashion has changed over time and influenced culture.

Video Game Design: Students will be introduced to Unreal Engine and Blueprints, offering them a comprehensive understanding of game development. Unreal Engine provides a robust platform for creating immersive experiences, while Blueprints allow students to prototype and implement gameplay mechanics visually, without prior coding experience.

Tutoring is available Tuesday mornings and by appointment. 


Mr. Lovett's Classes

Principles of Architecture: 

Last week we learned how to add dormers to our roofs. I love this part of the unit. It helps students gain a broader understanding of visual representation. Next week, they will take a test where they will create roofs on sample buildings and then begin putting roofs on their home models. 

Digital Media 2:

"Harmony in February" is in full swing along with our unit in web design. Next week students will be presenting on harmony while also continuing to explore web design.  

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an email