DATA 8th Grade Newsletter


Week 2:  Aug 21 - Aug 25

Please check the newsletter homepage for Important Information and Dates!


"Becoming educated is hard.  Being uneducated is hard.  Choose your hard." - Anonymous

Hello, y'all!  I hope your first week back at school was smooth (if not seamless)! 

The first week in English saw 8th grade getting lots of campus-related information and a couple of activities on paper that will allow me to get to know them better.  They also received a syllabus and were asked to take these to their adults at home and have an acknowledgement page signed.  A copy of the syllabus is also available on my webpage.

Next week, we'll spend some time in reader's conference (an email with details about the conference is forthcoming).  We're also MAP testing for reading next Wednesday, August 23rd - we want students to do their best on this testing so that we can see them grow in their learning as these tests are administered throughout the year. 

-Mrs. Burciaga

Questions or concerns?  Feel free to email me:


"Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding."

- William Paul Thurston, American mathematician 

Welcome back to school! It is so exciting to meet all of the new students. For both Algebra and Geometry, students can access resources and assignments through google classroom. In math class the most important goal is to grow students as critical thinkers and problem solvers. This will be our focus throughout the year in everything we do, and we will continue to ask why and how to deepen our understanding. I'm looking forward to a great year!

Tutoring available Thursday before and after school or by appointment.



        This first week of school was fabulous! We really enjoyed getting to know one another, I can't wait to learn more as the year progresses. 

  The first week of science consisted of going over safety rules and procedures. Students received a safety contract that needs to be signed by both student and parents and returned by Monday. We also went over safety equipment, why we use it and how we use it. 

 This week we will use lab equipment and practice measuring volume, mass, temperature, and length. 

Tutoring is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, students can attend from 7:45-8:15 am. 

If you have any questions, you may email me at

U.S. History through 1877

We are Living History!


Howdy Families! Thank you so much for sharing your student with me this year! We've been having a blast getting to know each other through tower building challenges, goal-setting activities, and good-old conversations. 

In this upcoming week, I get the chance to start working with your student on their note-taking skills as we start our first unit: Exploration and Colonization. We'll be looking at reasons for exploration and the locations that were colonized; as well as using our geography skills to map out the 13 colonies. 


Tutoring is available Mondays, 7:45-8:20 am and 3:45-4:15

You can reach me at

Have a wonderful week! 

-Ms. Van Horn

AV Comm/Video Game Design

Greetings DATA Families!
Have a great week!

AV Comm: Welcome, all my Students! This week, we will be exploring the realms of digital citizenship while continuing to enhance our desktop publishing skills using Google Slides and PowerPoint.

Video Game Design: Greetings Students! We will be exploring digital citizenship and will start our problem-solving unit. Problem-solving is a strong foundational skill coders and video game designers should exhibit. 

My email is --Mrs. Malin

Mr. Lovett's Classes

We're off to a GREAT start!

This has been a fantastic week of getting to know your students. They are engaged. They are brilliant. They are going places! I can't wait to see what they produce this year!

Principles of Architecture: 

This week in Principles of Architecture, students got into the nitty-gritty of famous architects' styles. They also got a taste of the "style" they're supposed to follow – which really means the rules and ways of doing things – both in school and outside.

Coming up next week, the architecture students will be checking out how their own personality types could match up with a job in architecture.

Digital Media 2:

This week, the DM2 students have been diving into the topic of branding. Since the first week of school is all about getting everyone on campus in the right mindset, it's a perfect time to talk about branding.

Next week, we're going to have the students come up with their own brand and logo. They should be able to explain what they want their "brand" to show the world and what they have to offer everyone!

Students in all DATA 8th grade tech classes enjoy complimentary access to Adobe Creative Cloud, made possible by the support of NEISD. This means they can freely use Adobe's suite of applications on their personal devices at home. This opportunity equips them with tools for graphic design, video editing, photography, animation, and more. Feel free to contact me for assistance in setting up this software at home.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an email