DATA 8th Grade Newsletter


Week 11:  Oct 23 - Oct 27

Please check the newsletter homepage for Important Information and Dates!


"We could along without anyone but Johnny."  

- Two-Bit Matthews in The Outsiders

After plenty of character study last week, it seems like students are furiously ready to get through the last few chapters we have left of The Outsiders ... it's always hard to say goodbye to this one.  But we'll carry on with the usual  reading chapters and answering study guide questions to keep our understanding in check ... with bits of discussion and outpouring of emotion as we draw this book to a close.


I'll be hosting a Movie Night presenting the 1983 film version of The Outsiders.

Students were given an information sheet with an attached permission slip.

DATE:  Nov. 3rd (Fri)

TIME:  3:45 - 6:00

WHERE:  EW Cafeteria

Concessions will be sold (proceeds go toward 8th grade DATA fund).  Snack donations appreciated - sign up for a donation slot here.

Permission slips for Movie Night due no later than 

Friday, October 27th.


Tuesday & Wednesday: 

7:45 am-8:15 am*


after school

*pass required

Lunch time tutoring is available - please see Mrs. Burciaga

Questions or concerns?  

Feel free to email me:


"Mathematics is the abstract key which turns the lock of the physical universe." 

-John Polkinghome

All students will spend time this week working on the fall cross-curricular PBL on vaping. In math, they will look at data and choose either a linear, exponential or quadratic function to model it.

Algebra: At the end of the week, students will practice Standard Form equations and quiz over this topic on Wednesday.

Algebra 5th period: We finish up Unit D by writing and graphing linear functions in all three forms. We will test over Unit D on Wednesday, October 18.

Geometry: Unit 4 begins this week, which covers triangle congruence. To determine if two triangles are the same we will explore what three pieces of information are required.

Tutoring: Thursday before and after school or by appointment.


“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” –Albert Einstein 

We have covered the lunar cycle. We will continue looking at the different phases of the moon, and discuss what causes us to see the different moon phases. We will look at the relationship between the Earth and Moon as well as the length of rotation and revolution for the moon. Students will have to predict moon phases on any given day. Students will continue practicing filling in moon phases on a calendar. 

There are several hands-on activities we complete to expose the students to more practice. 

Tutoring is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, students can attend from 7:45-8:15 am. 

If you have any questions, you may email me at

U.S. History through 1877

We are Living History!


Week 11 is Red Ribbon Week! 

8th grade will be starting a grade-wide PBL this week as part of Red Ribbon week. Red Ribbon week is out anti-drug awareness week, so our PBL will have your student examine various aspects of vaping. In my class, they will be looking at the history of tobacco in America (which ties into Unit 1: Colonization) and our government's role in regulating tobacco use and vaping (which ties into Unit 3: Government). They will learn about various aspects of vaping in their other classes, and will use all of their newly acquired knowledge to create an informational essay about the realities of vaping in their ELAR class. 


My Puzzle Club meets after school on  Thursday from 3:45 - 4:30. 


Tutoring is available Mondays, 7:45-8:20 am and 3:45-4:15. Students can also tutor during lunch every day, except Wednesdays.

You can reach me at

Have a wonderful week! 

-Ms. Van Horn

AV Comm/Video Game Design

Greetings DATA Families!
Have a great week!

AV Comm: Students will apply their understanding of the elements and principles of art to a PBL assignment that spans their 8th-grade classes. They will depict their understanding of anti-drug and alcohol messages for Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week also addresses the awareness of anti-bullying, violence prevention, and mental health.

Video Game Design: Students will be exposed to a small unit of Python, where they will be introduced to data mining and machine learning. They will research data sets related to tobacco and vaping usage trends and statistics, which they will incorporate into their overarching PBL assignments in U.S. History and ELAR.

All students will create an ePortfolio expressing their learning and artifacts of their PBL assignments.

My email is --Mrs. Malin

Tutoring is available Tuesday mornings and by

Welcome to the 2nd grading period! 

Mr. Lovett's Classes

Principles of Architecture: 

Architecture students are growing into loving the amazing things we can create with Photoshop. This week they learned how to take their 3d model and turn it into a watercolor image they will be using in their color board

Digital Media 2:

Typotober is still going strong.  There will be many chances over the next two weeks for students to showcase their typography skills. Next week they will create artwork that promotes saying no to drugs and alcohol for Red Ribbon Week as part of our grade level PBL.  

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an email