DATA 6th Grade Newsletter


Week 25: Feb 20-23

Please check the newsletter homepage for important information and dates!


    This week, we will be continuing our in-depth study of Greek and Latin root words, outlining and giving more impromptu speeches, one of which will be turned into a finished piece of persuasive/argumentative writing.

   If possible, parents, please encourage and facilitate you student to keep up with current events this semester. Knowing what is generally going on in the world will help them to have a richer experience in our upcoming units, which will include in-class debates.

   From now until mid-April, we are temporarily disallowing comic books, graphic novels, manga, and picture-heavy funny fiction from SSR. This is in an effort to get kids to read many different kinds of books. Any help parents could give in helping kids find non-picture-heavy books that they enjoy would be appreciated.

   We are done with homework on BrainPOP. This week, I will be introducing the new homework. It will be on Edgenuity and be tailored to each student's individual needs. Classwork not finished in class can usually be taken home to finish for homework as well.      I have classroom assignments represented on Google Classroom, even if they are not Google-based. This should be the first stop for any student who misses a day of class.

     Each student should be reading a self-chosen book for at least 200 minutes per week. 45-55 of these minutes will happen in class, but the other 150+ should happen at home, hopefully spread out over the week in 20-30+ minute chunks.  All DATA 6th graders need to always have their own self-chosen book for SSR time in class twice per week, and opportunities to read when finished early. 

    The best way to contact me is through email but I am also on our 6th Grade Remind.


6th Honors

Tuesday we will be in special groups that have been posted to GC. Students will stay in these groups and rotate with these groups all day through the DATA teacher's classroom's. They will not see their electives that day. This is to allow students a chance to make up work, extend their knowledge of skills they already know, and have an opportunity to review for the upcoming test. Wednesday, students will have an edpuzzle over their last lesson for the week. Students will have mixed practice problems for Area and Volume. I will be out Friday and the following Monday. This means I need to push back their Study Guide Review to Tuesday and Wednesday of the following week. . They will test February 29

7th HAM

Tuesday we will be in special groups that have been posted to GC. Students will stay in these groups and rotate with these groups all day through the DATA teacher's classroom's. They will not see their electives that day. This is to allow students a chance to make up work, extend their knowledge of skills they already know, and have an opportunity to review for the upcoming test. Wednesday, students will have an edpuzzle over their last lesson for the week. Students will have mixed practice problems for Volume and Surface Area. I will be out Friday and the following Monday. This means I need to push back their Study Guide Review to Tuesday and Wednesday of the following week. . They will test February 29. 


Until STAAR, students will have STAAR Review for HW every week. It will be 10 questions with a notes page attached for reference. 

6H - Algebraic Representations STAAR Review HW

7H - Angle Relationships STAAR Review HW


Students need to see me and let me know if they need to attend tutoring. If your student needs tutoring for any reason, I will reach out and let you know. 

6H - Thursday - 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm.

7H -Tuesday - 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm.

I can be reached via remind and

--Mrs. Starr-Burt--



Our exploration of the periodic table continues...

Students will investigate and analyze the physical properties of elements and where they are located on the periodic table: metals, nonmetals or metalloids.

CFA on periodic table will be Tuesday, February 27th,

Accelerated Tutoring Reminder:

If you received correspondence from me regarding the need for additional tutoring for your student, please remember to have your student attend Monday, Tuesday or Thursday mornings, 7:45-8:15am OR on one of the designated Saturday School dates.  

Please email me at if you need additional information regarding this.

If tutoring is needed, I am available every weekday morning (except Wednesdays) from 7:45-8:15.  Just please let me know if your child will be in attendance.

Please let me know if you have any questions! I can be reached via Remind or email:

--Mrs. Nuckolls

World Cultures

Week Ending 2/23/2024

This year we need to start accounting for SH Medal early due to district budget requests. Please check your student's Service Hours. If your student has 5 or more hours please have them see me. I need to get a count of how many students will be receiving gold and platinum service awards.

Service Hours - due April 15th, 2024. 6th graders need to earn 5 hours before that time.  Students will need to log their hours in their Agendas and now can also log them into Skyward so family sees totals from home too.

Tutorial times are Mondays after school from 3:40-4:30pm and Mon - Wed through homeroom PODS 7:45-8:15 am. (Except for holidays when school is out or we have early dismissal.)

Chicken/Garden Club Thurs. 3:40-4:30pm. Club will be cancelled on Thursdays that we have early dismissal.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or are in need of anything! You can reach me on Remind or email:

-Ms. Stubbins :)

Tech Apps w/ Mr. G

Hello! This week's ridiculous WiFi name is "Occam’s Router" (heh). 

Students are learning how to use the two more Illustrator tools we will be learning for this unit. We are getting a new project every week and students will have time to work on these in class but can also use a resource posted in Google Classroom to download and use Adobe products for free. Please ask them to show the Installing Adobe at Home PDF posted in the Tech Apps Google Classroom for more information.

Please have your student sign into Google Classroom and go over all directions and rubrics with you so you can see what they are doing and how they are being graded. Also, ask to show you their screenshots and final PNG versions of the work they did. They're making some wonderful things! 

! - Mr. G

Tutoring Times: 

Mon 7:45-8:30, Fri 11:45-12:30 Contact:

Exploring Multimedia

The Simple House project is DONE! Students are pretty tired of looking at their house by now, so everyone is happy that this week they will be making their own creations in Sketchup. They have now gone through all the steps from building and painting in Sketchup, converting and importing the model into Blender and rendering a fully keyframed, high definition "realistic" looking animation of their model.

They have a series of tutorials to help guide them through some of the more advanced Sketchup tools and techniques so they can really bring their imaginations to bear on the creative process of making their own "Modern Art" style sculptures.

As they are building, they are given restrictions to follow that make it possible for us to use our 3D Printer to make actual physical versions of their design. The ones that do not exceed those limitations and are the most original have the highest probability of being printed and added to the master collection on display.

Tutoring passes are available for every morning before school and every day during lunch except for Thursday. Students are advised, if possible, to bring their lunch to school for those appointments to maximize time spent getting help and extra time with the more challenging tasks and techniques we cover in Multimedia.

~ Mr. Hicks ~  (