DATA 6th Grade Newsletter


Week 2:  Aug 21 - Aug 25

Please check the newsletter homepage for important information and dates!


    We have had a strong first two weeks! It has been great to get to know your 6th graders. Roots Monsters should now be turned in. These are important as we will be using them throughout the school year in multiple classes.

     All DATA 6th graders need to always have their own self-chosen book for SSR time in class twice per week. It is especially important that students have a book to read when they finish their MAP testing on Wednesday, August 23rd.

  We will be visiting our school library as a class on Tuesday, August 29th, and then about every 3 weeks thereafter.  If you are willing to get your student a library card from the San Antonio Public Library, we will help them get it connected to their NEISD Sora account. I sent some applications home with students who were interested. Here, also, is the link:


   Starting Monday, August 28th, homework will be once per week, assigned on Mondays, and due on Fridays. Through January, it will be found on BrainPOP. Classwork not finished in class can usually be taken home to finish for homework as well.      I have classroom assignments represented on Google Classroom. This should be the first stop for any student who misses a day of class.

    Finally, I hope all 6th graders have read the book Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen, which was our summer reading. We will be doing some activities centered around it in these early weeks of school, and coming back to it throughout the year. If your student hasn’t read it yet, there is still time! The book is widely available at libraries and bookstores, but if you have any trouble finding it, I can sign your student out a copy to borrow. 

     Each student should be reading a self-chosen book for at least 200 minutes per week. 45-50 of these minutes will happen in class, but the other 150+ should happen at home, hopefully spread out over the week in 20-30+ minute chunks. 

    The best way to contact me is through email but I am also on our 6th Grade Remind.


6th Honors

This week we will start Unit 1 by exploring how to classify rational numbers, what absolute value, and opposites are. All assignments, homework, lessons, lesson videos, and directions are located in Google Classroom. All students will have notes they keep in their journal in class. If they are responsible enough, they can take it home with them every day but MUST bring it back the next day. All assignments are paper and will be turned into directly to me. This includes homework. 

7th HAM

This week we will start our Unit 1 by exploring squares, square roots, and estimating roots. ll assignments, homework, lessons, lesson videos, and directions are located in Google Classroom. All students will have notes they keep in their journal in class. If they are responsible enough, they can take it home with them every day but MUST bring it back the next day. All assignments are paper and will be turned into directly to me. This includes homework. 


6H - Review Skills

7H - Review skills



I can be reached via remind and

--Mrs. Starr-Burt--


This next week we will continue with different types of investigations, and then we move into physics with our first topic of inclined planes.

Our first end of unit assessment will be Friday, September 15.  If your student is needing any additional help, tutoring is available every morning from 7:45-8:15.  Please let me know if your student would like to attend.

Please let me know if you have any questions! I can be reached via Remind or email:

--Mrs. Nuckolls

World Cultures

Week Ending 8/18/2023

Happy 2nd week of school! This week we will be reviewing and learning some new map skills! We will also be creating maps of our city. Maps are going to be an important part to understanding the various places and cultures of our world. We will also review how to analyze charts and graphs.

Tutorial times and Club times will be set soon and posted in this bottom paragraph. Any changes to set times will be posted at the beginning of my section. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or are in need of anything! You can reach me on Remind or email:

-Ms. Stubbins :)

Tech Apps w/ Mr. G

Hi, everyone! Mr. Gonzalez here. This week's ridiculous name for a Wifi connection is "I now pronounce you man and WiFi". (heh). 

This week in Tech Apps, we will be taking typing assessments and trying out new passwords so kids can see how they improve over the coming months. We will begin learning about Digital Citizenship this week as well as how to use Google Docs to create documents and visual art. 

Please have your student sign into Google Classroom so they can show you where I add all my important links, contact info, and content for lessons at the top of my Classwork section. Please email me if you cannot access these links. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! 

- Mr. G Contact:


It's time to begin locating, saving and documenting the images we'll be using in our video. Since we are making a very high resolution video, not just any picture will do, and students will be learning how to tune Google Image filters to only show the larger results. If the images they save are too small, there won't be any room to animate them in Adobe Premiere later on. They also need to be sharp and clear, and have a record of which website they came from so that credit can be given at the end.

Tutoring appointments are available every morning before school and every day during lunch except for Thursday. Students are advised, if possible, to bring their lunch to school for those appointments to maximize time spent getting help with difficult tasks and techniques.

- Mr. Hicks (