

June 2, 2021

"What unit project will you be focusing on for this course? What are some things you would like to incorporate or change?"

I am planning to focus on a unit that takes videos that students are watching and enamored with within popular culture and popular applications and recreating them in the classroom, whether it be through special effects, multi-layer editing, or videotaping techniques.  I am still trying to figure out the specifics of the lesson but the idea is basically derived from answering the never-ending question of  "Why are we doing this?" I want to take something that my students watch and make them participators rather than spectators.  I also want to show them that even within popular culture there are several skills that people need to learn within the classroom before they can create certain forms of media.


June 21, 2021

I used to think . . . Now I think . . .

I used to think that incorporating student choice was fairly easy, just throw a bunch of options together and allow students to go crazy.  However now I think that you need to take into account a few more things , the biggest of which is: How do I challenge my students and engage them at the same time.


June 22, 2021

LAURA: How do I know when technology will support student learning vs. distract? Sometimes the technology is almost too much of a draw for students and they lose sight of the learning goal.

I chose to answer Lauras question because I am literally using technology within my classroom all day long.  There is probably not a moment when we are not on computers, cellphones, or using editing software or online applications in our work.  I think that honestly our students are living in an environment where they need to master these 21st century skills in a way we have not before.  I also think that we are training them for jobs that do not currently exist and they will rely heavily on technology.  In that aspect I think there is no way they can lose sight of the learning goal because technology is so intricately woven into it. 


June 23, 2021


Two takeaways that I have had during tech camp so far are :


June 24, 2021

We have touched upon how and when to use technology.  What strategies can you or do you use to determine if a technology tool will benefit student learning.

The technology tool that I have used in the past and will continue to use in the future to determine if students are benefitting from learning are: Google Sites and Google Form Reflections.  I have been having students do weekly reflections on their Tv Communications Google Sites Pages so that they can reflect on the learning that was done that week.  When I preview them I can look for common themes about what students were excited about, completely hated and maybe I need to pour more into in the following week.  I use Google form to create reflections for quick feedback for what I have taught how the applications they are using have helped them, where they are still struggling and if they see it as a benefit as  a whole. 


June 25, 2021

What purpose did the daily reflections serve for you?

I think that the daily reflection served as a way for me to celebrate my daily successes and acknowledge my daily challenges throughout the week.  These reflections allow me to see where I am, where I want to go and reflect on how to get there.  The reflections have also served as a way for me to learn about my mistakes, ignite ideas, and focus what I can accomplish one day at a time.  I think in general I am try to do way to much all in one week of tech camp, however the reflective process allows me to see that Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will all of the components of my lesson plans.