
Family Portrait: 

This is a photograph of Steve's family while in Kwangtung. Steve is the boy on the far right, and his father, Wong Jang, is the man on the far left. Steve's mother and sister are pictured in the center of the photograph. At this time, Steve's whole family lived in Kwangtung together. Eventually, Wong Jang immigrated to America and settled in Massachusetts.


Wong Yick (seen in the photograph above) was Steve's grandfather. Wong moved to Angel Island in the early 1900's and worked as a translator. While living in California, Wong sent money back to China for his wife, his son (Wong Jang), and Steve. Lauren clarified that "with that money, [her] grandfather's dad was able to come over in the fifties." However, he eventually moved back and stayed in China.


The map on the right shows Wong Jang's journey from Guangdong to Massachusetts in the 1930's. According to Lauren, he began to work in a Chinese restaurant while taking English lessons. In the 1960's, he opened his own restaurant called the Chopstick House in Hamilton, MA, and Steve journeyed there to join his father's business.