
This page honors the memory of our deceased colleagues and the service they provided during their careers.  

To add a past colleague, please submit their name, last affiliation, and date of death to the chapter secretary.

  Name                                                            Institution        ___________                            Date of Death

Edward S. Sternick                                    Rhode Island Hospital                                        11/30/2023

Herbert W. Mower                                    Lahey Clinic                                                         10/16/2023                                                         

John R. Glover                                            Jordan Hospital                                                   09/18/2022   

Edward Epp Massachusetts General Hospital 11/29/2021

Hobart "Hobie" Shackford North Main Radiation Oncology 10/16/2021

Bernard "Bernie" Gottschalk Harvard Cyclotron Laboratory 10/6/2021

Fred Hacker         Brigham and Women's Hospital 11/28/2020

John Cardarelli                    VA Medical Center                                      5/5/2019 

Suresh M. Brahmavar      Cooley Dickinson Hospital                         12/3/2018

Michael Goitein                   Massachusetts General Hospital                  12/19/2017

Janet D. Gortney                 Hartford Hospital                                            6/27/2016

C. J. Maletskos                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology      10/19/2015

Neil Gaeta                          (Dx Physicist, many affiliations)                    7/11/2015

Goran Svensson                  Joint Center for Radiation Therapy              3/22/2014

Bengt E. Bjarngard           University of Pennsylvania                          1/3/2014

 Saul Aronow                     Massachusetts General Hospital                     2/13/2013

 Richard W. Piontek           Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center       10/27/2013

 Kenneth Wright                Massachusetts Institute of Technology         1/22/2008