The Basics of our program 


The Christian Service Learning Program connects to many aspects of Notre Dame including our mission, philosophy and ISOs, along with the Religion department and curriculum, Campus Ministry and the Retreat program. Christian Service Learning has the potential to transform your life. Nurture your interests, talents, gifts or discover new ones as you grow and develop as a woman of service and compassion.


As disciples of Christ, we are called to build the Kingdom of God on earth through love and service. In light of St. Julie Billiart’s words, “You are not asked to do all the good in the world, just that bit which lies within your power” and Notre Dame Academy’s mission to educate young women to make a difference, the Christian Service Learning Program is upheld as an integral component of the education of the whole person. To this end, Notre Dame Academy has established 100 hours of service as a graduation requirement and requires each student to perform a certain amount of hours of service for every year she is enrolled at NDA. Each grade level has the same amount of hours required which, over the course of four years, totals 100 hours of service. Through reflection, service, and evaluation, students will witness to God’s goodness and provident care and learn that service is the best use of their God-given gifts. For more specific information, see the Curriculum Catalog, Pathways Through Religion chart and Annual Requirements.

Christian Service Learning integrates course curriculum, service experiences, and Catholic Social Teachings. Students do not simply perform hours, but rather connect classroom learning (concepts, contents and skills) directly to their service with those in need or indirectly to their work for social change. Christian Service Learning should incorporate Christian values, be meaningful and apply critical thinking and problem solving skills to real world issues.


Christian Service Learning projects must be:

1) sponsored by a school, parish, or charitable (non-profit) organization, and not an individual person or for profit business

2) aligned with our Catholic Social Teaching 

3) approved by the Christian Service coordinator

4) logged on x2VOL, the online service recording keeping platform. This includes all hours, supervisor verifications and approvals. 

5) completely voluntary. This means that students may not receive financial compensation for their service.


Yes! Students may begin service learning over the summer provided the service learning projects have been approved by the Christian Service Coordinator prior to the beginning of service. While students can perform multiple service learning projects within the school year, students are encouraged to build relationships with service placements through committed and ongoing service. For more information on the pre-approval process, click here: Pre-Approval Process


Contract and Supervisor Verification along with evaluation due dates will be published in the school calendar. 


In order for the requirement to be considered complete, a student must not only enter all her hours in x2VOL but she must upload/provide the digital verification of her service to x2VOL as well. The hours are then approved by the Christian Service coordinator/theology teacher and the student's service record is complete for the year. 

In addition, a reflective essay concerning the insights and lessons learned in her Christian Service is required from each student towards the end of the school year in her theology class. This essay becomes part of the second semester religion grade. Specifics regarding the essay, including the date due, will be handled by theology teachers.

If the contract and/or evaluation is not submitted by the due date, the student will receive a detention unless she has received a specific extension from the Christian Service coordinator. Failure to meet subsequent deadlines will result in additional detentions.


Failure to complete the year’s Christian Service requirement will result in the student’s receiving an "Incomplete" in her religion course for the second semester. The student then has until the beginning of the following school year to fulfill the requirement. If the student does not complete her obligation by this time, the "Incomplete" will become an F for the second semester and will be averaged into the second semester grade.

Additionally, seniors who have not completed their minimum 100 hours of service and/or have not recorded them in x2VOL with the proper documentation and verification by the deadline will not receive a diploma or participate in the graduation ceremony.