
Blogs & Such

  • Nature of Cities ... "The Nature of Cities is an international platform to share diverse, transformative ideas about cities as ecosystems of people, nature, and infrastructure. We are committed to the design and creation of better cities for all: cities that are resilient, sustainable, livable, and just."

Books & Such

Conservation Developments

Landscape Linkages

Living with Wildlife

Planning Tools

  • Building4Birds ... "An online evaluation tool for bird conservation in the built environment."

  • North Carolina Green Growth Toolbox ... "a guide to provide North Carolina’s counties, towns, and cities with tools for growth that conserves wildlife and natural resources."


WakeNature Preserves Partnership ... The mission of the WakeNature Preserves Partnership is to organize and provide resources to identify ecologically valuable, publicly owned open spaces within Wake County, NC, and to build capacity for appropriate management and long-term stewardship of those areas.

More coming!

Send suggestions to George Hess

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