ABM (Accelerated Bachelor's Master's) Program

Academic Warning & Suspension

Advising: Pre-Registration

Learn more on the Pre-Registration Advising webpage

Advising: During Semester

Classroom Reservations

Co- and Prerequisites

Co-Ops, Internships, and FE Prep

Degree Planning

Distance Education

Enrollment Help

Adjustments for part-time job or other regular obligation or commitment:

Job (or other)  -  Recommended to

GPA - Recommended Credit Hours       Hrs/Week         Reduce Credit Hours By:

1.8 - 12 credits 5 hrs/week   -   2 credits

2.0 - 14 credits 10 hrs/week  -   3 credits

2.2 - 15 credits 15 hrs/week  -   4-5 credits

2.5 - 16 credits 20 hrs/week  -   6 credits

3.0 - 17 credits 25 hrs/week  -   6-8 credits

3.5 - 18 credits 30 hrs/week  -   7-9 credits

For 19, 20, or 21 credits, 35 hrs/week  -   8-10 credits

advisor approval is required.

GEP Requirements

Grade Exclusions & Repeating Courses

Grading Scale (Numerical)

Standard NC State Numerical Grading Scale: 

A+  97 < 100

A    93 < 96.999

A-   90 < 92.999

B+  87 < 89.999

B    83 < 86.999

B-   80 < 82.999

C+  77 < 79.999

C    73 < 76.999

C-   70 < 75.999

D+  67< 69.999

D    63 < 66.999

D-   60 < 62.999

F     0 < 59.999


Grades and Grade Point Average Policy - https://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/reg-02-50-03/ 

Graduate-Level Courses

Graduation and Grad School

Progress Towards Degree


Schedule Revision


Step by Step Help Topics

Study Abroad

Summer Courses

Transfer Credit

Undergraduate Research
