Code of Conduct


MORE Code of Conduct: Created by our community to represent our values.

MORE Code of Conduct

The 2021-2022 MORE participants collaboratively created a list of shared values that form our Code of Conduct. This list of values is a living document, and may be expanded upon by future MORE cohorts. All MORE participants will strive to conduct themselves in ways that align with these values. As a group, we recognize that we may each sometimes fall short of our goals. When this happens, we will bring it to the attention of a MORE mentor. We are all learning, and an open educational approach will be taken to help the participant work toward conduct that aligns with our shared values. In cases of intentional or repeated words or actions that conflict with our shared values, or words or actions that harm another participant, the participant in question may be asked to leave the program.


Respect. We will respect each other’s knowledge and meet people where they are. We will respect each other’s time. We will respect each other’s identities, including but not limited to sexual orientation, gender identity and pronouns; racial and ethnic identity; country of origin, language, and citizenship; and disability status.


Openness. We will approach our personal interactions and our research with openness and strive to learn and share as scholars and community members. We will be open to new ideas and constructive criticism. We will practice open science by sharing protocols, workflows, and code that we develop and results that our projects produce openly with MORE participants and with the public.


Collaboration. We will collaborate and interact with each other throughout the MORE program community, not only with our research partner and mentor.


Accountability. We will make our best efforts and mentor each other when help is needed. We will document our research procedures and keep meeting notes. We will provide credit (including citations and attributions) where credit is due. We will hold ourselves and each other accountable by bringing any interactions that are not aligned with these values to the attention of a mentor.