

Interested in participating in MORE? Use this form to indicate your interest!

The application form consists of a Google Form with x questions. You can review the questions offline and prepare responses by downloading this editable document.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When is the deadline to apply?

  • The deadline is Friday, October 15, 11:59 PM, your time zone.

Do I have to be a US citizen to apply?

  • No! This program is open to students of all citizenship statuses.

How much time will I have to commit to the program?

  • We are expecting 5-10 hours per week, which will be flexible based on the topics and project work of the week.

Can I receive course credit for this experience?

  • Potentially! NC State students can receive independent research credit (for example, BIO 493 or GN 496). Students enrolled at other institutions will need to consult with their academic advisor to determine whether your institution offers a research credit course that allows external mentors.

Do I have to be enrolled to apply?

  • You should be enrolled either full or part-time at a university, college, or community college.

Do I need letters of recommendation?

  • No! Letters of recommendation are not required.

What types of research will I be doing?

  • Generally, the MORE team uses data to ask questions in the biological sciences, and the projects and data you will work on will come from that discipline.

Is it totally virtual?

  • Yes!

What language will this program be conducted in?

  • MORE will be conducted in English; however, our project team contains Spanish-bilingual mentors.