Academic Research Overview

Research is cyclical and recursive. Various steps will influence and should change other steps. An advanced researcher will follow the model of continuous improvement/development while working in the literature review/information collecting/questioning and analyzing stages of research. 

Tools and Resources

DH Hill Jr. Library has a ton of resources available on its website, including how to choose a research topic, understand scholarly articles, and find and evaluate sources. 

Education Specialist Databases 

From the Main Libraries' Database page, scroll until you see "Education" and select the appropriate subtopic (note, many of these will overlap):

Boolean Searches

"Boolean searching is used to help find search results faster and with more precision. Boolean searching uses operators: words like AND, OR, and NOT. These are logic-based words that help search engines narrow down or broaden search results (Southern New Hampshire University 2023)."

Other Databases:

Citation Management

Additional citation resources: