A week-long showcase of media production projects by Communication students at North Carolina State University.

Join us for a week-long celebration of student production media!

We are excited to invite you to MAKE MEDIA ‘23, a showcase of Communication student projects. Events will be held all week long between April 20th and 27th. This is a great opportunity to see the work that our talented students have been producing throughout the semester.  

Throughout the week, you'll have the opportunity to view a variety of projects including short films, podcasts, StoryMaps, written pieces, mobile apps, and physical media projects. Our students have worked tirelessly to create meaningful and impactful work, and we are thrilled to highlight the diversity of our student body and showcase the talent that exists within our Communication department.

We hope that you will take the time to join us at MAKE MEDIA ‘23 and experience the amazing work that our students are doing. This event is part of CUES - Communication Undergraduate Event Series.

MAKE MEDIA ‘23 Schedule

Here’s a breakdown of the events that will take place during MAKE MEDIA ‘23:

NOW! Happening online: Soundscapes and audio replacements, a showcase of auditory wonder by students in COM304 - Audio Production

Thursday, April 20, 6:00pm to 8:45pm
at the Visualization Gallery, Hill Library: Speculative prototypes for equitable futures, a showcase by graduate students in COM528 - Communication, Culture, and Technology.

Monday, April 24, 4:45pm to 5:45pm
at the Innovation Studio, Hill Library: COM/ENG 395 - Documentary Storytelling Project Showcase

Monday, April 24, 6:30pm to 7:30pm
at the Teaching & Visualization Lab, Hunt Library: COM 434 - Advanced Video Production Client Project Showcase

Thursday, April 27, 3:00 to 6:00pm
at the Visualization Gallery, Hill Library: COM354 - Critical Media Making Showcase