
Posters in Zoom-Land - Electronic Poster Sessions

The Covid-19 pandemic brought us poster sessions on Zoom, which create all sorts of challenges. Mainly, it's really hard to see a traditional poster on a screen. You just can't read them when someone is sharing a screen, which is how things often go. Attention wanes very, very quickly.

We need something different to give the feel of a poster session but recognize the visual limitations of computer - not to mention phone screens. Big pictures and minimal text are more important than ever.

In one of my courses, I hold an electronic poster session, or a virtual open house. It's a hybrid between a poster and a presentation. Each poster team is in a Zoom breakout room that visitors can move among freely. They've 8-12ish slides (sections of a poster) and (preferably less than) 10 minutes to walk through their work, with a strong focus on key findings.

Mike Morrison has come to a similar place with his #TwitterPoster concept (keep scrolling).

Here are two examples from my course.

Hess' Concept of an Electronic Poster Session


Mike Morrison's Minimalist Approach to Standard Posters

Mike Morrison's Minimalist Approach to Standard Posters

Frustrated by the walls of text at poster sessions, psychology student (at the time in 2019) Mike Morrison created a different kind of poster.

In his minimalist approach, the main message is writ large with additional information along the edges and a QR code to access further information.

Start at 13:40 on the Gen 1 video and 11:40 on the Gen 2 video to get the quick gist.

His virtual and #TwitterPoster concept (further down) seem very similar to my electronic poster concept, but better.

How to create a better poster (Generation 1)

by Mike Morrison

How to create a better poster (Generation 2)

by Mike Morrison

Here are two example posters following the Morrison approach from Dr Emily Reed, a postdoctoral researcher at Virginia Tech.


Virtual & Twitter Posters

and the Open Science Framework

How to Create a Better Virtual Poster

by Mike Morrison

Instead of expecting your viewers to zoom and scroll your poster, make a scrollable poster that works on everything from computer screens to mobile phones

Twitter Posters for Scientists

by Mike Morrison

Search #TwitterPoster for examples.

Open Science Framework

Scrollable Virtual Posters
