Example Posters

Below are a few example posters with written and video critiques of each. Viewers are encouraged to decide what you think is well done and could be improved for each before looking at our narratives. We may disagree on some points.

Example 1

Southern Flounder Exhibit Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination


This poster was presented at the annual Zoology Department Symposium for graduate students at North Carolina State University. It won the award for best poster presentation at the symposium.

Well Done

The title conveys the main message instantly.

Context and objectives are made clear.

Methods are concise.

Graphs are interpreted by their titles. One can read the titles and trust the authors, or examine the graphs in more detail.

Results and conclusions are concise and relate back to objectives.

Color scheme is very simple and pleasing.

Font is large enough everywhere, including figures.

Potential Improvements

Results and conclusions do not relate back to context (Introduction). It would be nice to see a statement of how the findings relate to aquaculture.

Some viewers have noted that the title could me more direct: "Water Temperature Determines Sex of Southern Flounder"

Title font is on the small side - could be larger.

Some viewers have felt there is too much white space between the columns. It could be reduced somewhat, but not too much. Doing so would also allow fonts to be made a little larger.

Example 2

Will Manatees Still Exist in 2100?


This poster was first presented during a graduate biological modeling course at North Carolina State University. It was later presented a several venues focused on biological conservation.

Well Done

The title asks a provocative question, and the subtitle defines the focus of inquiry.

Succinct introduction of issues, leading to clear objectives.

Methods are concise.

Graphs are interpreted by their short text boxes - helps viewers move through poster more quickly.

Results and conclusions are concise and relate back to objectives.

Vertical lines and numbered headings make flow clear.

Results are centerpiece of poster and heavily graphic.

Main points in "Discussion" are bolded, obvious, and articulated clearly.

Potential Improvements

Author information should be larger.

Large image of manatee is low-resolution and heavily pixelated on full-size poster.

Graph fonts are too small.

Introduction could be improved by bulleting.

Bullets are too far from text. This is a poor MicroSoft default - move them closer.

Better name for Section 5 would be "Conclusions."

Example 3

Can Suburban Greenways Provide High Quality Bird Habitat?


This poster was presented at an meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Well Done

The title asks an interesting question.

The headings (white text on blue background) provide a a brief description of the poster. If you read only the headings, you can get a good idea of what this work is about. But see Negative Points.

Methods are concise.

The poster is quite visual - nice images.

Results and conclusions are concise and relate back to objectives.

Color scheme is very simple and pleasing.

Font is generally large enough (too small in figures).

Potential Improvements

Some viewers have felt the poster appears crowded - there is not a lot of white space.

Some viewers dislike the heading blocks because (1) they were not helpful in providing direction about what was in each section, (2) some - especially those in the middle column - are too long, and (3) they were not helpful in directing the viewer where to read for what information.

The graphs - especially the four scatter plots - are too small and have fonts that are too small.