Bailey Elementary 

Enrichment Times for Students at this Time:

5th Grade Reach Time 8:00-8:40 am

3rd Grade Reach Time 10:00-10:45 am

4th Grade Reach Time 11:30-12:10 pm

5th Grade ACE Club Special lunch designated Tuesdays

1st Grade 1:10-1:30 pm

4th Grade Game Time  on Thurs 1:45-2:15 pm

2nd Grade 2:15-2:45 pm  

B- Boost Parent/Guardian Involvement

A - Accelerate Student Learning

R - Reach More Students With  Individualized Support

Enrichment Activities

ACE (Academic Club of Excellence)

Odyssey of the Mind (Parent Coaches needed by October)

Chess Club 

​Elementary Battle of the Books See Mrs. Shearin in the Media Center)

Paideia Seminars

Lego Robotics with EV3 Mindstorm Kits (pending time in core schedule)

Shark Dissections (5th Grade Enrichment)

Mash Up Math

 M2 Math

Skeletal System with Mr. Cobb from NCC (3rd and 5th Grade)

Microscopic You with Mr. Cobb from NCC (5th Grade)


Dear Students, Parents/Guardians,             

We are pleased to announce ACE (Academic Club of Excellence).  ACE recognizes academic excellence for students in 4th-8th   Students must meet the following high academic achievement  criteria:

The nine-week individual subject grades on the student’s report card must be greater than or equal to an 85, with an overall average of 90 for the first, second, and third grading periods of the 2023-2024 school year.

ACE students exemplify the ideal of sapere aude, daring to know!  Students will be recognized at their school’s end-of-year awards ceremony.  

ACE was introduced in the Spring of 2022 by the NCPS AIG Team to continue the recognition of students with high academic achievement in lieu of the Junior Beta Club.  ACE gives students the opportunity to be recognized each year as well as introduced to student leadership opportunities. 

After the 3rd Nine Weeks, as soon as Central Office sends us the spreadsheet with all qualifying students, we will send it out. 

Last spring we recognized these scholars at our end-of-the-year awards day.  This year, those 4th graders, now 5th graders, will be meeting and working with Mrs. Adkins focused on leadership skills and being service leaders in our Coopers community.

Bailey, Kelsey

Barnes, William

Cabral De Leon, Jason

Capps, Holden

Comerford, Rylee

Gonzalez. Sofia

Hunter, Amiyah

Johnson, Molleigh

Manning, Jordyn

Raya, Henry

Rocha, Galilea

Rodriguez Aguirre, Zayra

Salinas Ibarra, Luis

Tenorio Leyva, Sarahi

Click on the image carousel to see numerous pictures from our fourth and fifth-grade fun fall team-building activities.   

Learning is an ACTION verb!  

Shark Dissection Day Carousel of Pics

Shark Dissection Day:

Mrs. Adkins' 5th grade AIG & Enrichment group  began their shark dissection at 8:30 am.  Students then presented their findings to each 4th and 5th grade classes between 10:30 am - 12:15pm.  We held a reflection and closure before cleaning up and heading to lunch.  The day was a HUGE success on all levels!  I am so proud of each and every 5th grader for taking a step into a new learning environment, being willing to research, study, work with teammates, ask amazing questions, learn tons of cool facts, participate in a most successful dissection, & present the wealth of knowledge he/she had gained to all of the fourth and fifth graders here at Bailey.  

Studying about the Artemis Project & plans to revisit the Moon!

Visit from Mr. Brown in Spring 2022

Third Grade Enrichment Group with 

Special Guest, Mr. Chad Brown, 

Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) Program at Kennedy Space Center, FL

Mrs. Adkins' 3rd-grade Enrichment group at Bailey Elementary had a special guest from NASA.  Mr. Chad Brown, a Bailey Elementary Alumni and spent time with these twenty-two very excited students on Monday afternoon.  Mr. Brown talked to the students about the many amazing discoveries as well as plans NASA has for humans to visit the moon again, as well as future plans for visiting Mars.  Students learned more about the many opportunities that they too could someday have for working for such a great program.  The third graders were reminded that it takes a team of very passionate and focused people with skills relating to many of the following topics: welding, food science, physical fitness, social media, geology, space design, graphic design, flight control, construction, inventors, and more to make each mission a success!  Mr. Brown's enthusiasm and visual demonstrations helped the students get a much better understanding of the importance of space travel as well as the many facets of the planning process.    

As Mr. Brown completed his special presentation, the students were extra excited to receive special items from NASA.  Mrs. Adkins and her students enjoyed the wealth of information Mr. Brown shared during his special presentation and are so thankful for this unique learning opportunity.  

Congratulations to these AMAZING YOUNG SCHOLARS!  So Proud of these Brick Builders!

Problem solvers at their BAILEY BEST!

Thank you for helping us make our Food DRive a HUGE Success & make such a difference in our community.