quick study tips!

  • Find a good place to study – Students should study in an area that is quiet, well-lit, and comfortable. When you sit down to study, make sure to have the necessary supplies with them (i.e. paper, pencils, pens, calculator).
  • Use that student planner – It’s easier to study for tests and make sure your assignments are completed on time if you have due dates mapped out. The student planner is great for this. Some children are also finding that calendar reminders and apps on their phone help them stay organized.
  • Get organized – Make sure your backpack and binder is neat. Have a section in your binder or a folder for each class. At the end of each class, put papers in the class sections they belong to instead of one big stack.
  • Make a plan – Set aside a specific time of day when you are going to study and do homework. If you have a lot to do, prioritize what needs to be done first. Decide exactly what you want to get done and what order you will do it in.
  • Take good notes – Most items covered on tests are usually discussed in class. Be an active listener and take organized notes that are easy for you to understand later. Then don’t forget to review and go over those notes later when studying.